Nothing tastes good!
I am 4 weeks post-op and now can eat some normal food, but nothing sounds good or tastes good, except fruit. I stand and stare at an open fridge and open cupboard and don't want a thing in it and I have to force myself to eat foods I used to love. I think part of it is that I really miss my large glass of milk with a meal, the foods just don't taste the same without it. That's been the hardest obstacle for me. I stare at the clock for that second I can drink something. But mostly the problem is I am starving but nothing but fruit sounds good. Funny thing is, I rarely ate fruit before the surgery. Maybe they snuck up into my brain during surgery and rearranged some things, ya think?

I also can relate, nothing tastes good. But I'm so sensitive to sugars now I dump if I have anything over 10 grams. I found a 'milk' with 3 grams of sugar and extra protein, its carbohydrate countdown by Hood. Finally milk without dumping. So I avoid all fruits, because they make me sweat and my heart races, and I feel nauseous. I can only tolerate 1/4 cup of food at a meal, and often it is not the food I've prepared for dinner. But this is supposed to be temporary, over time we are supposed to get some of our appetite back. But it is scary, not like anything I've ever been through. Good luck to all of you, hope the throwing up goes away. I'm not having that problem.
Hi Joni,
I was reading what you were saying about having some milk with you meals. Well, even though this is very opoisite of what you have heard in the past, and even from your doctor maybe...try to have some milk with your dinner. I mean like a sip or two. I have found that if I am eating and get that presure under my left breast and rib cage, if I drink, it helps push things through a little bit faster and it releaves the pain, much faster. I would recomend you try this with something that goes down well for you. Do not try this with some new food, that you have not had yet. I had a habit, before the surgery, that I would take a bit, drink, take a bit, drink. I still wonder how I did that and got down so much food, even though theoredically, the liquid pushes through the food. Anyway, it has been the hardest habit to break so far. I still have my water or some sort of beverage beside my plate, everytime I eat. I have learned through this entire process that you have to figure out what works for you. I listen to my doctor and dietician, and I have read lots and lots of stuff on this messege board, but I have had to figure out what works for me. I suggest this to anyone, do not get so wound up in the advice that every one gives. No two people are the same, we all react differently to different foods and food combinations. Realize that no one is totally correct and there is no exact. I know alot people may disagree with me, but if you want some milk when eat, then have some. Just remember to stick to your amounts that fit you, and you should be fine. Good Luck and God bless.
Kristal Vaiani
I wish I had your problem, even though I did have it for several weeks after surgery. I am now 6 weeks out and my appetite has come back. Just relax and yours will come back soon. I am not starving all the time, but I do enjoy the small quantities I am able to eat.
I ate almost nothing for weeks after surgery, but cream of wheat and s/f pudding. Neither were favorites before surgery. Yet, the thought of most foods with a sweet taste (sugar free foods) turn my stomach. Taste are different after surgery. You have to make the adjustment to give up the milk with meals. I use to drink a lot during meals but made the adjustment before surgery to no drinking with meals. Now I don't even think about liquids and food together. The mind is a wonderful thing once we train it properly.
As for the advise someone gave you about drinking with your meal I disagree strongly with that advise. The purpose of having surgery is so we can feel full. Why would we wash the food out of the pouch to give us more room to eat more food? I've read that is one of the quickest ways to sabotage your surgery.
Good luck for your continued success!