Hi everyone!!
My husband takes 2 of the 3 kids to the mall tonight.
I pick them up my litte boy says in his cute little voice Mommy we bought you something, Oh in my mind
They bought me jewelery! Nope
They bought me a 1 pound BOX of sugar free candy
from this $$$$ candy store. I say to my little boy oh thankyou !!
When we got home I said to my husband ARE YOU CRAZY? All he says is Honey I love you!
So here I sit I had 1 . I'm thinking about giving them to the dogs, can't do that they will
Thought about giving it to the cat, Don't have one of thoes. MEN!!!

ROTFLMAO!!! That is toooo funny. Not to you I'm sure though. Men, ya gotta love 'em. Just have to keep thinking to yourself, "it's the thought that counts". At least he bought sugar free. Mine bought some Hersheys miniatures yesterday and asked me today if I wanted one. Then says, "oh I guess not." Gee thanks hon!!!
Keep on keeping on.
I'll ship them to you!
and my husband!!! My husband was eating dinner the other night, This man can EAT! So he has this HUGE plate of food
and as he is eating and stuff comming out of his mouth
I just feel so bad about eating like this infront of you.
Yeah I bet you feel real bad! Then I fogot to tell you that he went to Krispy Kremes and bought a dozen of thoes
I hope he chokes on them I'll laugh all the way to the bank with the life insurance policy
Hugs to you all!!!!

hi! kristin, i haven't had my surgery date yet, but i already warned my hubby --- no donuts, chocolate or sweets of any kind around me for at least 6 mos. by then maybe i won't want them. all he's been saying is that i'll ruin going out to eat for him because he won't want to eat in front of me. but he's already done that all our married life. he's bigger than me and he's always eating even when i'm not. GO FIGURE!!! good luck, debbie dennison
How funny.. I'm sure that it isn't to you.. but men are just the funniest creatures.. and always make you ask.. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING.. or then maybe DO THEY EVER THINK?
I purged the house again today.. no Lays no pepperige farm bread.. things got into the house I don't know how!!!
But I found myself backsliding into a nibble here and a nibble there.. so I threw them out.. miss them already..
At least he cares enough to get something for you.. I spent a lot of my years as a single mom and it must be frustrating and yet.. nice ... to have someone around.. I still don't have anyone.. but that is really ok now. My birthday is Valentine's day.. so I really do envy you a little to have someone who says I LOVE YOU.. and means it .. even if he does buy candy
~ Jan