Any problems with esophagus opening too small?
I had surgery Jan 8th. My esophagus opening would not let ANYTHING through. Finally 5 days later I could get small amounts of water to trickle through. I have had one endoscopy ballon stretching and need 2? more. I can now eat stage 1 baby food. Because so little food will slide through, I am on TPN, nutrition and vitimans by IV PICC LINE, 24/7. I have lost 25 pounds and the calories from the TPN are keeping me there.
Has anyone else had this problem and if so how long did it take to get over? I don't completely regret surgery yet but I really wanted to be one of the easy ones.
Thanks, Della

Hi Della,
I personally haven't had any problems but a girl that I work with had to have hers dilated 2-3 times at first also. She has done fine ever since. I think once the opening is stretched a bit, that will be the end of the problems. What does your surgeon say about how long it will take? I hope the problem is taken care of quickly and you will be on the road to recovery soon.
Thanks Kay,
The doctor also said probably 3 times. I guess I needed to hear it from someone other than the professional, if you know what I mean
The first time didn't seem to do much so I was a little nervous. I just joined this website yesterday and am so glad I did. This is truly a whole new world.
Thanks again, Della

Della, I am so very sorry to read about your horrible problems! I am also having trouble eating, but not as much as you. I had opened surgery on Jan. 22, 2004 with Dr. Potts from Dr. Callerys office in Poway, CA. He made two accidental openings into the top of my stomach by my esophagus. He couldn't perform the bypass surgery because of this mistake. He want's to do the scope on me but I am finding a new doctor now because there is absolutely no trust for him at this point in time. I am happy I tried to save my life by this surgery, but at the same time I do have regret. I am trying to work through this but it is very hard. Good luck with everything!!!!
Yep, I had a very similar problem. I guess mine felt like really bad indigestion and stuck air bubbles every time i ate. but yesterday was a whole new ballgame. ate breakfast and worked on protein, but i threw up everything that went in. tried soda to see if i could burp, and that came up too. finally, tried water, and when that came back up i called the doc. had to go in for an endoscopy yesterday afternoon from my lunchbreak to calling the office and telling them i wouldnt be back for the rest of the day. they stretched out my stricture and i'm fine now. i was advised that since it happened once, it may happen again.
now i know what to look for in case it should happen again. the horrible stuck air bubble feeling and vomiting.
best of luck to you