any one else having problems with food?
I had surgery on the 26th. I can not tolerate any food, it all makes me want to yack
Even water does it at times. I'm starting to regret having this. I did fine with soft foods at the hospital for two days and soon as i came home food just doesnt sit right with me.
Also, did anyone else's cut (incision) leaked? going to the dr's in the morning for it per dr request.

I had problems with food for about 2 weeks. I didn't
though. Just give yourself some time to adjust to the new system. I had my surgery on Jan. 12th and I feel fine now.
My cousin had the surgery about 2 weeks before me and she did have a leak at one of the incision sites. In fact, she had to have 2 units of blood in the hospital. She is doing great now and has lost about 40 lbs!
You are not
for having the surgery, there are just small bumps in the road now and then. Hang in there, It will get better. Wanda

Hi Linda!
I'm right there with ya. I had surgery on 1/12/04. Haven't been able to really eat since then. Been doing a lot of dumping. Not for anything specific either. Eggs do not set well "at all!" Only been able to keep down tea, fruit ****tail, tuna, sf freeze pops. I am really sick of those things too.
I also developed a big lump on one of my insicions. It has since burst. It drained all day for about 2 weeks, that's how big it got. It's healing now but it still has a little hardness to the tough. I am starting to think maybe I should not have done this. You hang in there. They keep saying it's going to get better.....I have faith that it will. Just wi**** would hurry up!
Lady J
Don't worry, it really does get better. At first it is a real drag. I tolerated cream of wheat and malt o meal (real runny) really well.. have experimented with all kinds of things since then.. chicken soup with some veggies all smushed up.. that kind of thing.. sometimes I don't feel like eating.. but I try to eat a little. Mostly I'm trying to work on getting enough water in cause I'm sure not doing that.
Just hang in there.. all will be ok.. and you will be soooo proud when it starts getting better!!! and don't worry it will
~ Jan

Linda I am sooooooo sorry you have had issues with food honey. I so far have whatever I can chop/puree. Mashed potatoes. Progresso soups, pretty much so far things I liked before. Re-fried beans, salsa, sour cream, melted cheese. Hold the chips, olives, hot peppers & lettuce. I thin everything down a lot, eat with a baby spoon, so I won't eat fast. I watch tv, talk on the phone. I was a gulper pre-WLS. Corned beef special no rye bread. Polenta with spagetti sauce & cheese. UMMMMM. Cheddar Cheese and yogurts. just a few things I've tried. I've added a post that I on the Delaware support page, the pre-ops want recipies & details. Sorry in advance.
Hello, Well Humpy fell off the wall last night and all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't pick her up again. Not cause she broke, because she was a little too heavy still. Funny to joke about it now. I used o be so sensitive. I had pork, sauerkraut and potatoes. Hold the bread -n- butter please. Blended just every so smooth. It tasted pretty good until I had eaten about an ounce or so. I had a funny feeling starting to come from my lower old stomach area. Rumbling and an ache which made me immediately stop eating. I went over and re-thought the pork and potatoe mixture and chopped up a new batch without the sauerkraut. It didn't make me dump but the pain was like none other I had experienced since surgery on 1/26. I should have taken some of the codine Elixir I had and gone to bed. No I'll suffer. BooHoo. I walked and moaned. Moaned and walked like a child. Finally I fell asleep. This morning I didn't feel my perky self, so I made some wheat meal & flaxseed to warm the tummy. Sorry, I had my best BM in 10 days. I guess the sauerkraut the warm oatmeal did it's thing. Gosh I felt better. So warning don't eat it all, be careful.
Oh has anyone noticed how far I've regressed to early childhood. Thumbelina, TomThumb, & Humpty. Eating baby food, eating with a baby spoon, taking baby steps. No wonder I have regressed. Gosh I never liked Dr. Spock. Tell me again " I AM AN ADULT." This is only temporary. I apologize to all you post-ops that have had rough days. I didn't understand. It is not all about me. Sure I'm lucky to have the kids grown and out of the house. Lucky to have a supportive hubby & friends. It is great knowing that the last 10 days were about me. But being realistic my balloon was *****ed and my bubble burst. And last of all a definite reality check. Mommy please don't make me eat that nasty saurkraut again. I don't like it. BOO HOO ((HUGS)) Elissa
Linda, I also started this. Mine started with dry heaves and progressed to throwing up everything, including my own saliva. I ended up in the emergency room for severe dehydration. The next day I went back to my doctor and he went in with a scope and had to dialate the opening from my pouch to my small intestine. It was 4 cm and he said usually it is about 10cm. He did tell me to be careful not to overeat. I have been a new woman since the dialation. I could never handle food and very little liquid at a time since my surgery on Jan. 6. Now I am eating every meal and a snack. I eat Wendy's chili, scrambled eggs, egg salad, unsweetend applesauce, baked potato, mashed potato. Good luck. Ask the dr. about dialating your pouch.