non moving pipes

I had the same problem. My surgery was 1/12. One week post op I was farting up a storm but hadn't had a bowel movement. Finally called my doctors office. Was advised to drink 1/2 cup of prune juice warmed in the microwave. If that didn't work within 2 hours take some milk of magnesia following directions on the bottle. The prune juice worked. Most of my BM's since have been somewhat runny. I'm now taking Citrucel to try to firm them up a bit.
Don't worry about it. I was around 8-10 day before I had one. You must remember you have not had any solid food intake, so there will not be much of an outgo. It will come around. Remember to drink plenty of water and follow you given eating plan. Stick to foods that are soft in the beginning and don't be concerned about not being able to eat much. I will be one year this March 6th. It has been great. You will experience all kinds of changes, all for the good. Don't be too concerned over some things. Try to stay away from anything that can constipate you. Try not to rely on any laxatives and you shouldn't have to take the citracel. Remember you don't have a regular stomach any more, so many things don't react the same............Just follow you plan and if you think you have a problem call your doctors office....Good luck....Joe