wondering re: postop energy level
Greetings. I'm now nearly 2 weeks post op. Had lap RNY on 1/12/04. (Posting this message on 1/24) Everything has gone well. My surgeon was happy at my 1 week check up and I'd already lost over 20 pounds. No complications except still having some diarrhea and my lower left incision is still draining a bit. Have been off of pain meds entirely for five days. I'm getting in 50 grams of protein shakes and am gradually introducing soft foods with no problems. Getting in a total of at least 60 total grams daily. I'm drinking my water, taking my vitamin. Walking about 7 minutes a day on the treadmill and climbing up and down stairs several times a day. Up and puttering around the house most of the day, maybe one 1 hour nap during the day. Even drove the car a few miles yesterday w/ my boyfriend as passenger. My problem? I'm just not feeling ANY sense of energy at all. Wondering if this is normal and I just need to be patient and heal or if I should be feeling peppier. Any advice to help increase my energy level? Would appreciate hearing thoughts and experiences of others who are or have been at this stage. Thanks.