Surgery cancelled forever
I chose a Dr that was very specific in all tests that he wanted pre op including an EDG ( scope of the belly). Well they found polyps and now I can't have the surgery. Had a picked a different Dr. who did not require that test I would have been able to have the surgery. Now it is a no go forever..........
Marcy, I am so sorry. I know you must be very disappointed.
In the chat room the other night, I met people from a couple of states who told me that an increasing number of bariatric surgeons doing the RNY actually remove the rest of the stomach (the part not used in the pouch). If they could do that with you, it might not matter if you have potential issues in that area. You might want to do a little research on that before you give up entirely.
Hang in there... as frustrating as this is, they really are looking out for your health.
Don't give up. You can take care of the polyps and then come back to surgery as an option. And I hate to tell you this but all surgeons require an EDG so you would have been stopped along the process anyway. Speak with your gastroenterologist and your primary care physician, treat the polyps and after you take care of them, inquire about surgery with another doctor. If you wnat this surgery, then fight for it.
Hi there... Please go see Dr. Terrence Fullum in D.C. He is at the top of the game and may be able to help you ! (202) 529-6801...
Take a look at

hi marcy, i am so sorry to hear what happened. I know for a fact that not all surgeons require an EDG because mine didn't and i am having surgery next tuesday. His name is DR. Gary Anthone, he is in omaha nebraska. He just moved his practice from LA, and is open for booking, he is very compassionate about the obese person. His number is 402-354-1320. Give him a call, he might also know of another surgeon who may not require and EDG. I hope everything works out. My prayers are with you.