Surgery Jan 22
Thank you everyone for all the support that you have given me. I pray that my surgery will be fine. I am excited and oh so scared. But I have so many people supporting me (including this web site) and that makes me feel better. I can't wait until I can come home and post to all of you that I am okay and reading to lose. Thanks again for all the help and support. Any last minute advice would be appreciated. Thanks again, Sheryl
Good luck to you on your surgery, It's normal to be scared. I know I was, I'm 13 days post opt. Please when you feel up to it post and let us know how you are doing
Just take one day at a time. As for last minute advice, Don't over pack, bring your own shampoo, and Don't forget the chap stick like I did !!! LOL! And stock up on sugar free drinks.
God bless