I'm starving!!!
I had my surgery 12/4/03. If you are taking in the correct amount of fluids you should not be feeling sever hunger. I would talk to your surgeon or his staff. I had to force myself to drink the amount of water/liquids they wanted me to take in during the first two weeks and never had any hunger pains.
I also had my surgery on 1/12. Why don't you try some thicker foods. Here are some examples ...I hope they help. Progresso chicken noodle soup, unsweetened applesauce mixed with 1/2 banana, malt o meal, mashed potatoes with diet butter. Make sure to blend everything till its creamy! These things are very filling. Just make sure you measure your food and count your calories. Plus keep a pitcher of water with you at all times. Sip a little here and there....it helps.
Hi Cindy,
I had my surgery on December 15, So I'm one month out. I was hungry too during those first 2 weeks. I tried tomato soup and that was devine. It helped to curve the hunger and I felt much better too. I don't think I was getting enough nutrition. That soup saved me. The next week I went and bought some Prego pasta sauce and just heated some in a bowl. That is what got me through. I know exactly what you are feeling. Just try something a little bit thicker. Hope this helps. Email me if you would like.
[email protected]
I had my surgery on Jan 5th and I sometimes feel very hungry too!!! I am dying somedays and some days I am fine with the amount of food that I can intake.
Try different things with some thickness like S/F pudding, cottage cheese, thin grits, mashed potatoes, S/F Jello, etc.....
Hope this helps you out a little bit!!!
Cindy I was also starving allowed only water, juice sugar free jello!!! everyone kept telling me eat yogurt, potatoes ectera. I WOULD IF I COULD!! everyone was real nice but i was determined to follow my doctor. I got a cup of ice from sonic( i like their ice) and added some 100% juice and chomped on it throughout the day and it really helped. now I just think for everything I dont put in my mouth my body has to eat up my fat and it is really helping me, My surg was on the 8th and I have already lost 23 pounds I started at 232. KEEp it up you can do it!!!!!
Hi, Cindy. I had my surgery 01/13/04 Just one day ahead of you. Where did you have it done?
I feel the same way, I to thought that I could handle the water,broth,jello. I have to be on it for 2weeks and you?
I just want to have something else, different, SOLID.
Also, I'm very emotional. I just want to cry and I have, but, it's more like everyday. I just feel blah!
Hope to keep in touch with you.

Cindy, its rough the first two weeks, but do exactly what your doctor told you to do. I wasn't hungry, I just didnt like the broth, jello, etc. I just couldn't wait to go on soft foods. But don't fudge -- you will be glad you followed your doctor's orders. I followed orders and I haven't had a bit of problems on down the road. I had surgery in July, 2003 and it is now January. This Friday I will be having my 6-mo. checkup. I feel wonderful and only halfway through. I have lost 85 lbs. and I still have a long way to go, but I feel so great already. I have lost several dress sizes and cleaned out my closet several times. I can walk and get around so much better. I'm off all my meds except my thyroid. It is so wonderful. This was the best thing I ever did. Just hang in there and it will get better. Thinking of you, Wanda Wynn/Miami, OK. [email protected] e-mail me if you wish.