I had surgery on Jan. 12th!! It truly it a peice of cake!!!!!! Don't feel like
yet, but I am trying to get used to the idea that I am post-op!! It sounds
but it's true. I am tired and sore, but not hurting at all. I have had no pain meds since the second day of surgery.
I want to thank all who have encouraged me to take this step
! May God bless all that are having this done, it is
but you will not regret it at all! Can't sit long at the computer, so got to go! C-YA! Wanda

Hi Wanda, I too am only a few days post op and feel great! I had my surgery on 1/13. I had a little trouble getting the liquids down those first few days but am feeling just fine now.
I'm very greatful too, for all the support my friends, family and this web site have given me. Hope the rest of your recovery will be as good as your first few days.