One week left until I am a LOSER!!!
Only one more week! I am still so excited! I am so ready to start thining out, and finding that person inside! Wow! Can you imagine! In my head, it doesnt' seem real, or that I will ever accomplish a real significant weight loss. Yet, I know it will happen, but I don't believe it will. Does that even make since!
Well I am so ready! Anyone else have January 15th as their date?
Wow, Not much longer till the thinner you. Congrat's on the date. I was reading your profile, where are you stationed at? My husband is in the Army and we are stationed in Hawaii for know. My date isn't until the 26th of Janaury. Gotta give me details when you come home. I wish you the best of luck and my prayers will be with you.
Oh great!!!! A same day pal! I wish all of you good luck, and that God will bless us all. I am not to nervous for the surgery yet, but I think all that nervousness is about leaving my three kids for 3 days! YIKES! I know that they will be alright, and that God will watch over them as he always does, whether I am there or not. HEE HEE!
Have a good week! I am looking forward to the next few weeks! Being on the other side!