My surgey is on the 23 and im very nervous too! Im happy but scared at the same time! I dont even want to know how i will be a few days before! I keep trying not to think about it! It is so weird it is something you want so bad but it scares you. I think it is like the first time you have a child.. you want it so bad but your scared and think I dont know what im getting myself into. You hear all the bad stories about other peoples labor and infants...then when you have yours it is all different, and say it is all worth it. I dont know maybe im so nervous im going crazy!!! I see that you will be having your surg. in peoria. I will have mine done in Moline Illinois. I will be in Peoria on the 17th.
I just had my surgery January 2. I was extremely nervous all through the holidays, but eventually the day arrives and then, voila! it is done and you are on your way. I have lost 13 pounds in the first six days and feel great.
I wish someone had warned me that (1) I would feel terrible in the first few hours post-op (mostly from the gas they use in the laproscopic procedure); and (2) that I would feel SO much better SO fast. The first 6-8 hours I was in misery and questioning my decision; by 12 hours past I was walking around the hospital ward. So don't get scared by that initial pain, it goes by fast and is very manageable.
Hang in there. One week post-op, I am so glad I did.