Sleepless in Atlanta
Hey Everybody, I need some girlfriends. My scheduled surgery date is January 7th. I'm the 3 "T's", THRILLED, TERRIFIED, and TENTATIVE. I'd love the share this life-changing time with some of you that are going through the same experience. I have a very supportive family of thin people, I just want to talk to someone who'll reallllllly understand. I make a great friend.

I know how you feel, I fel the same way, my date is the 8th. My family is in the dark, my mother annoyed and thin, my husband very quiet type about how he feels, although I see worry in him, and 2 little kids they don't understand. email me. [email protected]

Lin: The "Three T's" - that's hilarious!!!! I am also the "Three T's" and am also having surgery tomorrow - January 7th.....I am drinking the Mag Citrate with the "Pleasing Cherry Flavor" - yeah right! Anyway, this is a life changing moment for us - life will never be the same again......We will be able to buy clothes off the rack (and NOT at Lane Bryant!), go to those funky thrift shops and buy funky clothes in size 8, buy a swimsuit for the first time in yearsssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What fun we are gonna have with all this shopping to do afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care and be in touch!!!!!!!! Tammy