Surgery Delayed!
Things were going well until the respiratory results came in. I failed them! I was recommended to go see a pulmononary docter then I can have the surgery. Does anyone know how long you have to be on the Apap machine for sleep apnea before you can go back through with the pre-op testing to plan surgery again? I'm disappoined but I know it's the best for my well being as I had anticipated no problems at all. Surgery for Jan.7th. is off. I need aa hug! Jeraldine Nix
Hi Jeraldine
Oh my gosh I am so sorry your surgery has been delayed. Do not fear as soon as you get the c-pap machine you will be good to go. If you have sleep apnea you have to take the machine to the hospital with you. You don't have to be on the machine any certain amount of time you just have to have it. I think you will be ready to go much sooner than you think. Hugs to you, it has been my fear that I would get all psyched for the surgery and it would have to be changed for some reason, so far all is good, surgery is set for thur. I 'll keep you in my prayers.
You will soon be
for joy