90 lbs in 6 months
I'm so excited that I have lost 90 pounds in 6 months. I didn't think it would happen this fast for me.
I had alot of fatigue problems in the first 5 months. I wasn't even able to exercise much. At 5 months I joined Curves and started exercising and I have noticed in the past four weeks how much my shape has changed by going to Curves. It's great. I also use their Liquid Vitamins.
It took me 2 years to decide on this surgery. I wish I had it done earlier.
I'm happy that I found Dr. Stahl for my surgery.
I have talked to quite a few people in Montgomery that know people that used local physicians for the surgery and I've heard nothing but problems. I'm so thankful for finding a great surgeon, I know the right surgeon is the key to less complications.