Now I know what they mean with: Out with the old and In with the new!
It has been the best thing I could ever have done for myself! Many people who knew me before have asked if I have any regreats and the answer is always that I hadn't done this sooner! But now that I have, I am enjoying going to the mall and buying new smaller clothes and giving my old clothes to others that can use it. This life altering decision has also made huge differences in how I view life now. I was always very depressed and my self-worth was so low I settled for less than I deserved and now I have let go of all that and am now making sure than I am happy with whatever desions I make, the people that I surround myself with and the relationships I get into. I guess you can say that I was reborn when I had the surgery. Love to all those that have gone or are going through their own changes!