5 yrs out- How r u doing?
I had surgery January of 2002 (Open RNY). I went from 390 to 225 and hung in there for a few years. I slowly gained 35-40lbs the last two years and I had an upper GI. My pouch was tiny but my stoma had ripped open. I had the LapBand placed on my pouch to act as a new stoma and I haven't lost jack squat. Has anyone else had issues that needed revision, if so, what revision did you do and how is it working?? My husband had this surgery (open rny) a month after me, different surgeon, different hospital, and he is totally fine, still maintaining his loss.
My g/f just had to have a revision of her gastric bypass surgery back in march(she to did the open rny). the surgeon whjo did the surgery did everything by the books but as time went on she had all kinds of issues post op for the first three years including an ulcer. in order for the ulcer to be corrected she had one of two choices - either reverse the initial rny surgery or revise it and make it smaller still. she (we) chose option two. but since then she has been feeling better as a whole.