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"Seeing you for the first time has brought me to my knees, made me shed tears, and makes me see the man I need to be. You are my heart, my soul, and my every breath is for you - Love Dad"
Topic: RE: Gaining weight again
I had my surgery a month ahead of you... I have had a lot of complications and I gained some back too. I'm trying to get back on track but its so hard. I was wearing size 12-14 clothes (from a size 30) and now I am up 2-3 sizes. UGHHHHHH!!! But I am gonna get my butt moving again...
My dad has the surgery in June 1998 and he gained a few back.... but he's ok with it. And I seem to be staying at the same weight now... just go back and forth 10 lbs. Those 10 lbs are in the waist though and that sucks!!
Don't give up!! The doctor says in order to lose I gotta work out more and go back to small portions. I'm gonna do it!
Topic: RE: Gaining weight again
Good luck with your surgery, I have maintained this 20lb weight gain, but I really would like to lose 10-15 lbs so that I can wear some of my older clothes.
I don't regret one minute of this surgery. So good luck!
Topic: RE: Gaining weight again
Dear Lynn,
I read your message on about your having regained 20Lbs. 5 years post WLS, and I wondered if you had continued to gain weight or if your weight stablized with a 20lb. gain.
I will have a Lap. RYN on Oct. 7, 2004 and talked with a local woman (Corpus Christi, TX) who told me she had gained back 30 lbs. over a six year period and stablized at that point. If you had time, I would appreciate hearing from you. It will help me be prepared for my own future.
Topic: Gaining weight again
I had my surgery 01/99 and just this year it seems like weight has been creeping up slowing. I have gained @ 20 lbsin the past year (slowing) and I was wondering if anyone else out there has had the same problem and what they have done to lose the weight.
Topic: ObesityHelp Magazine is waiting for you!
Our Own Magazine Has Arrived. We've been busy since January putting
together our first copy of our quarterly magazine and it's now available
for ordering. Click here to
order your subscription today. Proceeds from all subscriptions go
to the Association for Morbid Obesity Support. Make the investment in both
our community as well as your ongoing education in WLS. Recipes, hospital
reviews, surgeon scoring, humor, inspiring photos, quality articles, and
much more. All these are waiting to reach your door. Rather than produce
just a newsletter, we went all out and produced a 64 page magazine for
you. Spread the word, ObesityHelp Magazine is available for the