Saturday Speaker: Tiffany Haug, MS, RDN, EDOC

Tiffany Haug, MS, RDN, EDOC is San Diego-based outpatient dietitian specialized in treating eating disorders. She provides nutritional care to individuals with all eating disorders types, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, as well as those with diagnoses recently included within DSM-5, such as otherwise specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED) and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). Tiffany also works with individuals suffering from disordered eating whom may not have a formal eating disorder diagnosis.

Tiffany's nutritional philosophy is strongly rooted in Health At Every Size (HAES) and the intuitive eating model. Her expertise includes providing nutrition counseling and guidance to clients and supporting them in their journey towards a more intuitive, trusting relationship with food and their bodies. Tiffany is also passionate about supporting the family members and loved ones of clients, given that eating disorders affect the whole social circle of the sufferer.

Tiffany moved to San Diego from the Chicagoland area in 2016, where she now serves as the dietitian at the private practice of Eating Disorder Psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Shapiro. Tiffany has completed a Master's of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics as well as a Certificate of Graduate Study in Eating Disorders and Obesity (EDOC) from Northern Illinois University-the only graduate certificate of its kind in the nation. Within EDOC, Tiffany completed 12 additional credit hours of graduate course work pertaining to the study of nutrition, psychology, family studies, and body image in specific regards to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. Prior to moving to San Diego, Tiffany gained experience working with individuals and family members of those with eating disorders at the Linden Oaks Hospital Eating Disorders Program in Naperville, IL. At Linden Oaks, Tiffany assisted in providing nutritional support and guidance to patients at the inpatient, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient level.

Tiffany was born and raised in Japan and lived there for 16 years, after which she spent two years in Thailand. Due to these unique experiences, she is bilingual in English and Japanese, and carries with her the rich experiences of having lived in two beautiful Asian countries. In her free time, Tiffany enjoys listening to podcasts, doing yoga, illustrating cartoons, and running.

> Connect with Tiffany on Facebook

Workshop Session 3A: Saturday 3:00pm – 3:50pm, International Ballroom III

Understanding All Things Sweet: Cravings, Addictions, & Sugar Substitutes

Is food addiction —and more specifically— sugar addiction something to fear? Are sugar substitutes the answer to this dilemma? What are some of the neurobiological processes involved in contributing to this feeling of addiction? Do caloric restriction and dieting play a part in this? In this session, Tiffany will cover the responses to all these questions and so much more to help you understand and develop strategies to make peace with food.
