Customize Your Profile

You can get started directly on your profile!


To set your custom URL, click the "choose a custom URL"



If you look around your profile, you can see that you will have several other options available that are section specific right on the page.  You'll see things such as "edit", "upload", "update" and "add post".  You can begin exploring those sections if you have found what you're looking for or keep reading further as we go into further detail.

To adjust your profile settings, go to "settings"


Click on the "Profile" tab

Under "Basic", you have the option to adjust your "Profile Title" and your Profile Visibility settings. The custom profile title is the main heading to the box section that houses your avatar and basic information on your profile.


The three settings available for profile visibility are:


To change the look of your profile, click the "Look & Feel" tab

At any time when you're making changes to the look and feel of your profile, you can click "save", "preview" or "restore to default".


You can select some basic styling for your profile and blog. For your title and body text, you can adjust the font family and color



Your links can also be styled to different colors depending on what state they are in: normal, active, visited, hover.

Changing the background

There are also options to change your profile background.  You can adjust the color or add an image. If you add an image, there are additional options

Background Repeat:

Background Attachment:


Changing the content box

You also have options to change the appearance of the individual content boxes. This includes the background color, border color, border style and background image.


Adding a Blog Separator

You can also add a blog post divider that will separate the entries of your blog posts.


 To manage your profile features, click "Manage Features" tab

You can control what features you'd like to appear and utilize on your profile. For example, if you won't be using the blog - you could hide that.


Features that you do not want to show on your profile click [hide], features that you want active, click [activate].


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