How to Add Insurer Information

The Insurers system allows you to keep track of and share your experiences with insurance providers. To get started, log in first.


Insert P1



Click on My OH, scroll down to Medical History and click.


Insert P5


Insurers home page

In the Insurers section, you can add, edit and remove your insurer information.


Insert P8


Adding a new insurer

Fill out the following details in the form (only the Insurer name is absolutely required):

  1. Insurer: Start typing your insurance provider's name here. As you type, you will be presented with a list of auto-complete options that match what you have typed. Either type the name fully on your own or select the name that matches your Insurer's name.
  2. Policy Name: The name of the policy that you have with this insurance provider.
  3. Insurance Type: HMO, PPO, Indemnity, etc.
  4. Status: You can enter the current status of your application for coverage.
  5. Date of Status: The date on which the current status of your application took effect.
  6. Notes: Please add any notes regarding your experience with this insurance provider. You can include any details that you wish, regardless of whether it was a positive or a negative experience.


Insert P9


After adding an insurer

Once you've finished, you will be taken back to the Insurers home page. You now have a few more options than last time.

  1. The insurer experience that you just added now shows up here either under "Confirmed" or "Unconfirmed" Insurers. It appears under Confirmed Insurers if you have tied the insurer experience to one of your surgeries, and the surgeon who performed that surgery has approved this insurance provider. Otherwise, it will appear under Unconfirmed Insurers. Until the surgeon who performed the surgery approves your insurer, it will continue to appear under "Unconfirmed."
  2. Click "remove" to delete this insurer experience.
  3. Click "edit" to edit the details of this insurer experience.


Insert P10


