Non-Scale Victories (NSV)
What is your definition of weight loss surgery success? How do you measure success? If you were a career dieter like I was, your measure of success was the almighty scale. That’s right, that little box that sits on the floor that we stand on. That box that we give so much power to by allowing it to tell us if we have done “good? or “bad?. Perhaps the scale even determined our mood for the day. All that power for a little box that doesn’t take into account body fluctuations, water retention and other deviations in our weight. Now that we have had weight loss surgery and become healthier, we need to take our eyes off the scale and focus on our many Non-Scale Victories (NSV).

What is a non-scale victory?
A NSV is an ability, situation or observance that reflects how your health, fitness and overall life have improved. A NSV is an accomplishment or something that you can do now (or have done) since having WLS and losing weight. A NSV is any success that you enjoy in your life outside of your total body weight numbers.
Give yourself a big “high five? for the NSV’s you have had in which maybe you didn’t give yourself full recognition for. Here are a few NSV’s to get you started on your own NSV celebration:
2. Clothes: How have your clothes changed since you had surgery? Have you been limited to shopping at the large size stores? Shopping as a morbidly obese person limits your choices in style and availability of clothing. Many people don’t have the luxury of deciding if they liked the color or how it looked on them. If it fit, the item was purchased. How do you buy clothes now? Buying clothes off the rack with many options of color and style is a new found NSV. As your NSV, compare how you shopped for clothes before you had surgery and after.
3. Medications: Since having surgery, have you changed the dosage of medications you take? Even better, have you eliminated some, or all, of the medications you were on pre-operatively? The changing dosage of medications or medications that were stopped entirely are exciting NSV’s.
4. Energy: How is your energy level now compared to before you had surgery? It is common to have much more energy, vitality and a new zest for life. Rather than feeling worn out at the end of the day, you enjoy an ample supply of energy throughout the day.
5. Room to spare: After losing the weight, you have more room to spare. Now, there’s more room between your body and the steering wheel in your car, you can fit comfortably in an airplane seat without a seatbelt extension, zip your pants up without lying down on the bed, holding your breath and counting to five. You can sit in a booth at a restaurant instead of requiring a table. These are all NSV’s that enhance your life.
6. Tie and Cross: The ability to bend over to tie your shoes while wearing your pants (instead of wearing the slip-on version) and crossing your legs may seem small, but they are actually big NSV’s.
7. New ‘Tude?: You have a new attitude about activity. Rather than spend time cruising the parking lot for a space close to the store, you park further away, enjoy the walk into the store and are already shopping when previously wasting time still in the parking lot. That new attitude of working in activity throughout your day is a subtle, yet important NSV.
8. Fingers, Eyes and Toes: Yes, when we live a healthy lifestyle, all aspects of us change, including our fingers, eyes and toes. Are you wearing a smaller size shoe, have you had to get your rings sized smaller or get your glasses adjusted because they are wobbly on your smaller face? These are the little things that are huge NSV’s.
9. New Bones: You feel bones that you never knew you had before. You see and feel bones that previously were covered by excess weight. You’ve found new bones as a result of your weight loss surgery adventure. What a great NSV!
10. Face Your Face: Compare a picture of yourself pre-operatively to the face looking back at you in the mirror now. Note all the fine detailed changes. Are your eyes clearer and wider, your cheeks more defined and your jaw-line slimmer? You can also notice the differences in your body. It is no longer an exercise in what you don’t like and how far you have to go. Focus on what you like and what has changed and how far you’ve come to celebrate NSV’s.
11. It’s The Little and Big Things: Take notice of the many small and large NSV’s that occur all the time. Some of the most profound NSV’s are changes in our choices and behavior. It might be as obvious as fitting into pants that used to be too small, opening your closet and knowing you can wear anything you choose, increased stamina, walking flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator, eating more fruits and vegetables, having a frustrating disagreement with your boss and realizing that it did not cause you to eat and being more active with family, kids (or grandkids) and friends.
12. Overall Daily Well-Being: Some of the best NSV’s are the increased confidence and higher self-esteem you have. Also, the determination and persistence you possess as you undertake new interests and goals. You feel more comfortable within yourself and that projects to family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances. The best NSV of all is your enhanced quality of life.
A great way to outlast a plateau showing up on the scale is to make a list of all your NS’s. When you see your NSV list, it can provide encouragement to outlast any pesky plateau. For better tracking and encouragement, you can add your list items to OH's goal system!
You’ve already accomplished many NSV’s. Take your focus off the scale and enjoy all of the non-scale victories that you’ve accomplished.
What are YOUR NSV’s? You can share and celebrate your NSV’s by commenting below.
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