Your Weight

You’re More Than Just Your Weight or Condition

October 9, 2024

For too long, individuals with obesity have been unfairly labeled and defined solely by their weight, with phrases like "the obese patient" being used even in medical settings. This kind of language can feel dehumanizing, as though your entire identity is being reduced to a single condition. Living with obesity is hard enough without also facing the psychological stress of being judged or made fun of for years. The hurtful comments, assumptions, and stares can take a deep emotional toll, leaving you feeling less than whole.

Important Shift In Phrasing

However, times are changing. The medical community is now beginning to shift towards using more respectful and compassionate person-first language. Instead of doctors saying "you are obese," which implies that your weight is your defining feature, they are now encouraged to say "you have a disease called obesity." This subtle but important shift in phrasing recognizes that you are more than your condition. You are a whole person with a unique life, experiences, and strengths. Obesity is part of your health but it doesn’t define who you are.

The impact of negative words and labels can be discouraging, and they may even make you feel stigmatized or hopeless.

Stigma surrounding obesity often leads to feelings of shame, making it harder to seek help and take action. But as healthcare professionals adopt more respectful language, it can open up conversations that make you feel empowered and supported on your health journey. Changing the way we talk about obesity is a critical step toward dismantling the shame and stigma that many people feel.

You Deserve Respect And Compassion

It's essential for anyone living with obesity to know that they deserve respect, compassion, and a supportive environment. You are not alone, and you deserve to be treated with dignity in every aspect of your life—especially when it comes to your health. Remember, your journey towards better health is about so much more than just weight loss—it's about reclaiming your confidence, well-being, and sense of self. By embracing respectful language and understanding, both patients and healthcare providers can work together to create a more positive, holistic approach to managing obesity.

Dr. Leon Katz MD, FACS, FASMBS, is a bariatrician specializing in non-surgical, medically supervised weight loss. Dr. Katz currently practices at Dr. Leon Katz Medical Weight Loss Center.

Your Weight
Leon Katz


Dr. Leon Katz MD, FACS, FASMBS, is a bariatrician specializing in non-surgical, medically supervised weight loss. He focuses on patients seeking alternatives to surgery and those needing care after bariatric procedures. Dr. Katz was recently the director of a major medical weight loss program. With extensive experience in establishing successful weight management programs, he now concentrates exclusively on non-surgical weight loss solutions. Dr. Katz is a Diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine and Fellow of American College of Surgeons. Dr. Katz currently practices at Dr. Leon Katz Medical Weight Loss Center.