pay it forward oh

Why I Pay It Forward After WLS

October 28, 2015

I had been overweight my entire life and had tried just about every diet program and diet pill on the market with some success but nothing ever lasted. I would usually end up regaining the weight I had lost plus gained more than I had originally started with.  I was truly tired of living with obesity and opted to have RNY Gastric Bypass on November 22, 2005 by Dr. David D. Kim. Since that date, I have lost 140 pounds and finally feel like a complete person.

Joining a Support Community

During a pre-op seminar, my surgeon suggested his patients join ObesityHelp for the education and support. I immediately joined on January 26, 2005 and started researching and asking questions. I was a member of OH for about 7-8 months before I finally decided to commit to surgery!

ObesityHelp is like a second home to me.   I love the message boards, the other members, and the feeling of belonging.

I love that the forums and private groups on ObesityHelp are a safe place to ask questions. There are questions from everyone, no matter what weight loss surgery procedure they have, whether they are pre-op or post-op, or even a support person that is there researching for a loved one.

After I had my surgery and had been a member for awhile, I wanted to attend one of the ObesityHelp National Conferences. I loved attending my first conference and have attended several others since then!  At each of the Conferences I attended, I obtained so much education and support. My favorite aspect has been meeting friends in person that I first met online in the forums. In fact, from attending the Conferences, I have some friends that I now talk to on the forums on a daily basis. That type of support system has made a huge difference in my long term post-op jounrey!

Paying It Forward

I have a friend that kept telling me I should become an ObesityHelp Support Group Leader because I had such a passion for supporting other people suffering from obesity. In 2009, I joined the OH Support Group Leader Program and created a small group called, LOSE IT 4 LIFE.

Through that group, I am able encourage and give moral support to others that have had, or are wanting to have weight loss surgery.  I truly believe that paying it forward through support groups and on the forums is an integral part of staying connected and accountable. I love seeing everyone in my group supporting and encouraging each other through their journeys.  Surgery is a tool to aid in weight loss while a great support network can help you be successful for the long haul.

I'm grateful that Dr. Kim told me about ObesityHelp, as that that has made a huge difference to me as a post-op. I plan to do as Dr. Kim did, and keep paying it forward by telling other people about ObesityHelp as an amazing support network that will help them on their own lifelong journey.

Photo credit:   Jake Rust cc



Vivian Prouty had RNY surgery in 2005 and lost 140 pounds. She is an active member of the OH community, and known for her uplifting and supportive posts! Vivian is also an ObesityHelp Support Group Leader.