What Is Your Food Safety IQ?
October 19, 2012What Is Your Food Safety IQ?
How much do you know about food safety? Take the Quiz!
1. True or False: You should wash your hands for 10 seconds to eliminate bacteria.
2. True or False: Food is most likely to spoil when kept at 40 to 140 degrees.
3. True or False: You should store raw meats, poultry and seafood on the top shelf of the refrigerator.
4. True or False: If you become ill from eating contaminated foods, the last food you ate is what made you sick.
5. True or False: A whole turkey should be cooked at a minimum internal temperature of 165 F.
6. True or False: The best container to store leftovers in is a shallow bowl.
7. True or False: The most common way to contaminate fruit pies is to store them at room temperature.
8. True or False: The best way to lengthen the shelf life of your leftover roast turkey is to make a turkey pot pie.
9. True or False: Foodborne illnesses can lead to secondary long-term illnesses.
10. True or False: It is OK to allow children or adults to eat all kinds of raw cookie dough or to lick the beaters.
Quiz answers are below!
Food Safety IQ Answers
1. False: To ensure the elimination of bacteria, you should wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds.
2. True: Foods should be kept hotter than 140 degrees and colder than 40 degrees to prevent foodborne bacteria from multiplying.
3. False: According to the Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE), raw meat, poultry, and seafood should be kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so their bacteria-laden juices don’t drip onto other foods.
4. False: After eating contaminated food, most symptoms do not occur until hours or days later. As an example, individuals infected by salmonella will not develop symptoms until 8-72 hours after the contaminated food was eaten.
5. True: Always cook a whole turkey at a minimum internal temperature of 165 F. Although it is not recommended that you stuff the turkey (for optimal safety reasons), if you choose to do so, the stuffing must also have an internal temperature of 165 F.
6. True: You should always store leftovers in a shallow bowl. Storing food in very deep, large containers means the food doesn’t cool off fast enough to prevent the growth of food borne bacteria.
7. False: Due to germs on the hands, the most common way to contaminate fruit pies is to stick your finger in the pie for a taste test.
8. True: You can make a delicious turkey pot pie and freeze it. The gravy prevents the meat from getting all dried out and the pot pie can be stored for three to six months.
9. True: The Food and Drug Administration estimates that two to three percent of foodborne illnesses leads to long-term secondary illnesses. For example, some strains of E.Coli can cause kidney failure and salmonella can lead to arthritis and other infections.
10. False: Raw cookie dough containing eggs can be contaminated with Salmonella.
Photo's Courtesy of USDAgov.