What Is Your Belly Fat IQ?
December 10, 2012What Is Your Belly Fat IQ?
What Is Your Belly Fat IQ? How much do you really know about what causes belly fat and what you can do to fight it? Take the quiz!
1. True or False: It is a myth that apple cider vinegar can help make belly fat vanish.
2. True or False: Having belly fat is worse than having fat any where else on your body.
3. True or False: A good way to trim belly fat is to substitute diet soft drinks for regular soft drinks.
4. True or False: Belly fat acts like an organ in the body.
5. True or False: Trans fat not only can make you gain weight, but also can move fat from other parts of your body to your belly?
6. True or False: Women usually collect more belly fat than men.
7. True or False: According to studies, you can trim your waistline by replacing refined grains with whole grains.
8. True or False: Calories from alcohol are worse for belly fat than other calories.
9. True or False: Erectile dysfunction can be linked to belly fat.
10. True or False: It is a myth that green tea can help to reduce belly fat.
Belly Fat IQ Answers Below!
IQ Answers
1. False: Studies have shown that when obese participants have consumed 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar each day in comparison to those who just took placebo, those who incorporated apple cider vinegar in their diets lost more belly fat than those who did not. (Same diet and same work out for all who participated in the study.)
2. True: Having belly fat is more dangerous than having fat elsewhere on your body. Belly fat is attributed to serious health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and strokes.
3. False: Studies have shown that diet soft drinks may even led to weight gain and there has been no conclusive evidence that switching from regular soda to diet soda is beneficial to reducing belly fat.
4. True: According to researchers, belly fat churns out inflammatory substances and hormones and does not just lay idle in your body. Instead, belly fat is an active “organ” that breaks down into fatty acids, which flow into the muscle and liver. Clots and fats then get into the bloodstream, setting the stage for heart disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases.
5. True: Created partially by hydrogenated oil, trans fats are found to increase the amount of fat around the belly and redistribute fat tissue to the abdomen from other parts of the body.
6. False: Due to sex hormone differences, men tend to store fat in the abdominal area more than women do.
7. True: You can trim your waistline by replacing refined grains with whole grains. (Whole grains are high in fiber.)
8. True: Gram for gram, alcohol has almost as many calories as fat. Whether from alcohol or other sweetened beverages, excess calories can increase belly fat. Studies show that alcohol can cause you to feel hungry by affecting hormones that regulate a sense of satiety, therefore causing you to eat more.
9. True: Belly fat can trigger cardiovascular problems, therefore affecting erectile dysfunction (ED, impotence) in men.
10. False: According to the Journal of Nutrition, researchers think substances in green tea known as catechins stimulate the body to burn calories and enhance loss of belly fat.