Fact or Myth? Test Your Wellness IQ!
October 23, 2012How much do you know about health and wellness? Take the quiz!
- Fact or myth: Diet soda is healthier than regular soda.
- Fact or myth: Drinking alcohol before bedtime helps you to sleep.
- Fact or myth: You can lower your risk of having a stroke.
- Fact or myth: Of all the cancers, breast cancer kills women the most.
- Fact or myth: To maintain your general health, you should perform moderate exercise at least 30 minutes per day.
- Fact or myth: Using antibacterial cleaning products is a good way to fight germs.
- Fact or myth: A portion size is not the same as a serving size.
- Fact or myth: Fatty liver disease only affects adults.
- Fact or myth: White vegetables offer little nutritional value; only brightly colored vegetables are nutrient powerhouses.
- Fact or myth: Infections can become resistant to antibiotics.
-Quiz answers below.
Wellness IQ Answers
1. Fact. While diet soda is not a healthy beverage by any means, it can be consumed in place of regular soda when no other options are available. Regular soda pop is among the unhealthiest of all beverages, because of its high sugar and calorie content.
2. Fact. Alcohol will help you fall asleep; however you may wake up in the middle of sleep as the sedative benefit that alcohol provides wears off when it is metabolized. Alcohol disrupts REM sleep, which typically occurs in the latter part of the sleep cycles.
3. Fact. You can take steps to lower your risk for a stroke by making healthy choices and managing any medical conditions you may have.
4. Myth. Breast cancer gets all the attention, but lung cancer kills 68 percent more women (67,000 a year versus 40,000).
5. Fact. To maintain general health, at least 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, cycling or swimming is recommended.
6. Myth. Ironically, antibacterial cleaning products increase the likelihood that the bacteria in your home will become resistant to antibiotics. Soap and water will do the trick!
7. Fact. Portion size is the amount of a single food item served in a single eating occasion, such as a meal or a snack. Many people confuse portion size with serving size, which is a standardized unit of measuring foods–for example, a cup or ounce–used in dietary guidance.
8. Myth. There are over six million children in the United States affected by the condition, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
9. Myth. Vegetables in every hue offer nutritional benefits, even white ones.
10. Fact. Antibiotic resistance has been called one of the world’s most pressing public health problems. Almost every type of bacteria has become stronger and less responsive to antibiotic treatment when it is really needed.
Source: ABCNews.com, HHS.gov, http://www.lhj.com/, cdc.gov
-Photo 1 courtesy of runfreefall
-Photo 2 courtesy of Lisaclarke