6 Ways to Pay It Forward on ObesityHelp

August 4, 2014

At ObesityHelp our motto is "Making the Journey Together" and our  members play a key role in creating a community of support, information, and education. We often get feedback from members of how helpful the website has been to them, and their weight loss journey. We wanted to share a few a ways you can help pay it forward and help others in their journey.

Leave a Review - Sharing your patient experience on ObesityHelp can help others who are researching a surgeon to fit their individual needs. Providing information about pre-op requirements, office staff, and aftercare can be valuable to your fellow ObesityHelp community members. You can leave a review for hospitals, bariatric surgeons, and plastic surgeons.

"I first learned about this site from my surgeon and since my very first log on I cant get enough of it. It's great to be so close to so many people who are going through the same thing as you. I have learned so many things and have received much encouragement since becoming apart of the obesityhelp.com family" - Thank You, Tyisha

Sign Surgery Support Pages - Post support and encouraging words to members who recently had surgery or have upcoming surgery dates.

Blog Your Story - Share your story as it happens by posting updates on your ObesityHelp blog. Blogging is a great way to document your story for yourself and for others to read and offer you support.

myJourney - Sharing your story helps raise awareness. Your journey will help highlight the many ways weight loss surgery improves lives and makes a difference in our families, communities and world. Each journey counts as a voice towards greater awareness.

Share Photos - A picture is worth a thousand words! Document your journey and share your success by posting your photos to your profile.

Insurance Process - Complete the Insurance Survey to help others get an idea of the coverage process and requirements.

This site is a TREMENDOUS help and I very much enjoyed becoming a member, chatting with others who have had surgery or are going to have surgery soon like me, and reading several blogs. WONDERFUL information! Thank you SO MUCH for having this website and giving people much-needed support and info. GREAT WEBSITE!!!!" - Glynna