Update: Obese Death Row Inmate Granted Clemency
December 18, 2012Update: Obese Death Row Inmate Granted Clemency
We posted previously about the plight of death row inmate Ronald Post. He and his lawyers were arguing that he should not be executed due to his obesity. He weighs 480 pounds and his plight to have weight loss surgery was denied.. You can view the original post and comments here.
Update: Even though Ronald Post and his attorneys were arguing that he was too obese to under go a humane execution, it turns out his obesity did not play a factor in the decision made by Ohio Governor John Kasich on Monday. At the recommendation of the Ohio Parole Board, Ronald Post was granted clemency by the governor due to an ineffective defense that ultimately put him on death row. Post's defense attorneys had him enter o plea of "no contest" with no deal on the table as to what his punishment would be. The also allowed him to take a polygraph test with an examiner that had been retained by the prosecution. Post will now spend the rest of his life in prison.
What do you think of these new developments?