Tips For The Holiday Chef!
November 14, 2012Tips For The Holiday Chef!
One of the greatest joys of the holiday season is the gift of sharing a feast fit for a King with your family and friends. But preparing a holiday meal can be stressful without careful planning, not to mention expensive. Here are a few tips to help you have a stress-free holiday meal:
• Plan your holiday menu ahead of time.
• Create a list of ingredients needed and shop well in advance.
• Make some dishes a week prior and freeze them for your celebration day. (Ex: Pies)
• Make your casseroles the day before.
• Not everything has to be homemade!
• Free up your oven space by using crock pots, roasters and other cooking methods.
• Set your table early in the morning.
• For an easier clean up, use disposable aluminum pans for your baking.
• Share the expenses! Make your celebration a pot luck and ask your loved ones to bring a dish. (This allows for recipe sharing and family bragging rights!)
Have a stress-free holiday season and take time to relax with your family and friends.
-Photo courtesy of Photofarmer