Tag Archive: WLS

9 Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

March 4, 2013 · 0 comments

According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, over one million people in the US suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  Worldwide, the disease affects over 17 million individuals.  It is not known for sure what brings on the debilitating and challenging disorder but the theories range from viral infections,

There Is Better Than Food For Comfort

February 27, 2013 · 0 comments

by OH Member Martita Whether I am feeling happy or whether my spirit is troubled "there is better than food for comfort"... indeed. As I am trying so very hard (and failing miserably) to honor my dearest recently departed sister's last wishes for us not to cry, and not to

Mario: For The First Time In My Life-I Enjoy My Photos!

February 27, 2013 · 0 comments

by OH Member, Mario AKA marioksig I have always been an outgoing and social person. While my personality never changed, my self-confidence certainly did. I have always been a “big” guy.  I have battled obesity my entire life. After college, I of course joined the working world and when that


Kale Crazy: 10 Reasons To Love Kale

February 26, 2013 · 0 comments

Kale Crazy: 10 Reasons To Love Kale by Tammy J. Colter, Editor-In-Chief Kale has not always been a popular vegetable at the dinner table.  At least not at my home. Growing up, I don't think I ever even heard of it or tasted it.  It's just as well, I probably


Shrinking Evie’s Pre-op Video: Day 5 Of Fasting

February 21, 2013 · 0 comments

Shrinking Evie's Pre-op Video:  Day 5 Of Fasting 40-year-old OH Member shrinkingeve had weight loss surgery (WLS) on November 15, 2012.  She has been sharing her pre-op and post-op WLS journey in inspiring video blogs in hopes that her progress and honest account of her journey will be helpful to

hair wls

Post-Op Healthy Hair & Skin

February 18, 2013 · 0 comments

Post-Op Healthy Hair & Skin The number one concern from my patients before weight loss surgery is usually related to their hair and how to keep it on their heads. They either had a friend or know someone who knows someone whose hair fell out after surgery. My usual response

Couch Potato

Don’t Raise A Couch Potato!

February 18, 2013 · 0 comments

Don't Raise A Couch Potato! Tips and activities to keep kids on the move! Keeping kids active at an early age can set the precedent for their activity level later in life. Starting a pattern of enjoyable, rewarding activities early on and sparking a child's imagination can help them associate

Celebrate Your Successes With Non-Food Rewards

February 17, 2013 · 0 comments

Do you remember when you were younger and your parents promised that yummy dessert as a reward for eating cleaning your plate or eating your vegetables? Or perhaps if you cleaned your room or finished your homework, you received a special snack. Many of us were encouraged to eat, even


February 15, 2013 · 0 comments

SHH...IT’S A SECRET To Tell Or Not To Tell Perhaps you are just starting to think about having weight loss surgery. Maybe you’ve made the decision but haven’t yet had the procedure or you’ve already had surgery and are on the other side of this life-changing decision. No matter where