Tag Archive: heart disease

American Heart Month: 5 Heart Attack Symptoms To Look For

February 11, 2013 · 0 comments

American Heart Month: 5 Heart Attack Symptoms To Look For February is not only the month for Valentines Day and showing your true love how you feel about them, it is also American Heart Month which allows for a special focus on heart disease symptoms and healthy heart awareness. According

Obesity Paradox: A Little More Fat May Extend Life

January 3, 2013 · 0 comments

Obesity Paradox: A Little More Fat May Extend Life A paradox is an argument that produces an inconsistency, typically within logic or common sense.-Wikipedia Data from approximately 100 past studies, which included almost three million people, has led CDC researchers to conclude that being slightly obese or overweight (and metabolically healthy)

Test Your Health IQ!

October 31, 2012 · 0 comments

How much do you know about your Health? Take the Quiz! 1. True or False: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women of all ages. 2. True or False: It takes two minutes for blood to cycle through your body. 3. True or False: To maintain your