Tag Archive: Emily Thevis

Sugar Cravings 1

Understanding the Science of Sugar Cravings

January 15, 2020 · 0 comments

Are you considering weight loss surgery but are wondering how your eating habits will change after? Are you afraid of losing some of your favorite foods? If you’re a sweet eater like I am, it is a topic worth exploring. Many patients express the concern to me that after surgery,

Vitamins After WLS

Are Vitamins After WLS Necessary if a Patient Eats Healthy?

December 9, 2019 · 0 comments

Those going through the pre-weight loss surgery workup may ask why they must have so many labs done?! If you’re anything like me, the thought makes you queasy. I promise there is a good reason, though, and even more reasons to make sure you have those labs checked regularly for

Eating Healthy

Is Eating Healthy After Weight Loss Surgery Too Expensive?

December 2, 2019 · 0 comments

Many things change after weight loss surgery, particularly all things food-related. These changes can be overwhelming and difficult to incorporate into your new lifestyle. Some challenges in eating healthy may include a lack of hunger, difficulty adjusting to the preparation of smaller portions, or feeling like you must eat differently

Caffeine and Bariatric Surgery 2

Caffeine and Bariatric Surgery: A Good Match?

October 10, 2018 · 0 comments

Caffeine and bariatric surgery is a hot topic right now. Searching online provides an enormous amount of conflicting information and can be very confusing. Does caffeine dehydrate you, or harm your stomach? Does it promote weight loss, or increase appetite? Is it good or bad? Can you never drink caffeine