Tag Archive: Connie Stapleton

Inadequately Trained to Help Obese Patients?

December 3, 2012 · 0 comments

Wake Forest University researchers are reporting that medical schools across the country are not providing obesity education to their students, despite the fact that 31% of adults are obese and 15% of children and teenagers age 6-19 are overweight.  With the obesity epidemic on the rise, and the growing costs

10 Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress

November 30, 2012 · 0 comments

   Holiday stress. Just typing the words results in my muscles tightening as I think of the seemingly never-ending To-Do List associated with the season. After all my years of education about stress reduction, when it comes to the holidays, you would think I hadn't learned a thing about how to keep

thanksgiving tips

10 Thanksgiving Tips for Cutting Calories

November 22, 2010 · 0 comments

One of the most frightening days of the year for many WLS patients, Thanksgiving! Taking the fear out of consuming too many extra calories can lead to a day filled with love, gratitude, and hope. These Thanksgiving tips can help you feel more in control and allow you to get