Tag Archive: Cathy Wilson


After WLS: Celebrating Your Independence

July 3, 2013 · 0 comments

Annually as a country, we celebrate our independence, liberty, and freedom. But do you also celebrate your personal independence, liberty, and freedom? As millions of Americans celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks and other festivities, take a moment to think about the day you made the decision to have


Easy Steps To Exercise Success

June 29, 2013 · 0 comments

12 Steps for Exercise Success How many times have you started an exercise program and then quit? You're not alone! Many people start with great intentions but soon lose motivation and end up stopping exercising entirely. For weight loss surgery patients, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle

Counting on Calcium for Better Health

June 26, 2013 · 0 comments

How Important is Calcium for WLS Patients? Calcium is a mineral needed for healthy bones, nails, and muscle tissue and assists in blood clotting as well as heart and nerve functions. Calcium (Ca) Levels- Absorption of Ca supplements is most efficient at several individual daily doses of 500 mg or

Summer Grillin’…Get Your Thrill of the Grill On!

June 24, 2013 · 0 comments

It's Summer Grilling Time! There are so many great things about the season of summer – easier schedules, swimming, enjoying the sun, vacations and BBQ's. To some people, a BBQ means cooking hamburgers and hotdogs. But grilling is so much more. There are actually very few foods that you can’t

Comfort Without Food

Food as Comfort – Not!

June 17, 2013 · 0 comments

Find Comfort Without Food! For many people, food has been used as that fix/all to life’s upsets, successes, up’s and down’s. Sometimes, life can be just too much, and put more demands on us than we can cope with. It is a healthy choice to want to comfort ourselves. The

Vacation: Healthy Habits or Not?

June 13, 2013 · 0 comments

Vacations are wonderful. They are a time when we can be carefree, face none of the daily responsibilities of work or home, spend time with those you love and care about, and to make it your primary focus to have fun. Yeah vacations! When you pack for vacation you take

Establishing Healthy Habits With Kids

June 5, 2013 · 0 comments

Editor's note: This article is part two of the previously published article Childhood Obesity: One Child at A Time Childhood obesity is a serious matter. Here are some tips for parents and caregivers to help establish healthy habits with kids: → Parents should choose what children can eat. That means

Childhood Obesity: One Child At A Time

June 5, 2013 · 0 comments

Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being.  Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children, and its many adverse health effects, it has been recognized as a serious public health concern. The term overweight, rather than obese, is often used

stress 1

5 Ways to Combat Stress and Cortisol

May 31, 2013 · 0 comments

It is 15 minutes before you are to leave work and your boss needs you to stay for a high priority project. You need to pick up the kids in 45 minutes and you were going to stop at the grocery store on the way home. Earlier in the day,


What’s The Skinny On Carbs?

May 24, 2013 · 0 comments

What exactly is the low down on carbs? For many weight loss surgery post-ops, there are many varying opinions about carbs. If you check OH’s message boards, there are many questions with various answers and opinions. So, what is the deal with carbs? Let’s check out the “good” and “bad”