Support: Thank You Family And Friends!
We asked OH Members, “Which family member would you like to thank for supporting you in your WLS journey?” Here are just a few of the responses we received.

I would like to thank my husband George for being my number one supporter in my new journey of life. If it was not for him and also for OH, I would have never been able to do so well, being a Lap-Bander. I lost 110 Pounds in 11 Months. I think my husband is the greatest man on earth. He’s my HERO. -Deborah Turrell, Obesity Help Support Group Coach (Photo above)
When I finally decided to have WLS in 2007, I sat my sons down to tell them of my decision and both of them have supported me from that moment on. My oldest son Brandon has always been fit and active because he is an athlete so even prior to me having WLS he was trying to encourage me to change/improve my eating and exercising habits. My youngest Gregory now dissects food labels...LOL...noting the calories, carbs, protein etc! Last year, along with Brandon’s girlfriend Latoya, we walked in a Walk From Obesity event. Most recently, Brandon came home to drive me (Gregory was with us too) to have my Smartlipo and Vaser surgeries in July. They both have encouraged me to continue to stay on this journey of a healthier and more active lifestyle. Thanks Brandon and Gregory for your support and encouragement and I love you both very much! -Faith Thomas
I’d like to thank my mom Rita for her support. She is 76 years old with health problems of her own and has been to my house everyday (not to mention visiting me in the hospital everyday) to make sure my needs are taken care of. She even made homemade chicken broth, bagged in individual servings for me. My husband Paul and daughter were able to enjoy the whole parts of the soup. I would also like to thank my husband and daughter Michelle. My husband works two jobs and in-between does what he can for me and my daughter has been my “go-fer.” My daughter Heather came down from UCLA to drive me home from the hospital so I’d like to include her in my thank you! -Francine Garcia
Months before my surgery, I helped my best friend from high school (Julie) move back home from TX. I helped her to get on her feet again after a long divorce and she was very ill herself. She was my inspiration to have the surgery. She encouraged me to get my life together again. After having four back surgeries in the last eight years and losing my husband to colon cancer, I got very depressed and ate my life away. She has stood by me and has been a God send . I had the surgery in Grand Rapids, Michigan on March 10, 2009 by Dr. James Foote. It’s the best thing I have ever done for myself! Thanks to my doctor and my dear friend Julie. -Beverly Bucklin
I would like to thank my husband. He has been my support system from the very beginning. He has accompanied me to every appointment, picked up every prescription and listened to every word that I have ever spoken about WLS. My husband Thomas, has been wonderful!! I love him with every ounce of me, and am so grateful that I have had him by my side. He’s always told me how beautiful I am, and that I don’t need WLS for added beauty. He said to me “Baby, I love you just the way you are...YOUR happiness and health are what matters most to me.... I’m here for you either way.” And he has been. I love this man of mine. -Kalisa Lawhorn
I would love to thank my mother Shauna Vance. She has been my biggest supporter through all the tough times. She had WLS three years ago. Three weeks ago, I had gastric bypass. My mother from day one was beside me helping with my decisions. After my surgery, I had a few problems that left me in the hospital for a couple days. My mother was the one that drove me everyday an hour away to be with me in the hospital and still worked her full- time job. She wanted to talk to every doctor and wanted to make sure I was well taken care of after surgery. It was because of her that I got out of bed and started walking. A week after I got out of the hospital, I started having some other problems and she drove me back and forth nine times in one week to different doctors and had to be away from work. She wanted to be my support, which I needed very badly. Not knowing what to expect while going thought this, I don’t think I could have done it without her. I probably would not have had the surgery if it was not for her guiding light. She’s an inspiration to everyone and a success herself. She lost 137 pounds and looks great. She’s a great mother and my best friend and now we are both on our weight loss journey together. I love my Mother. -Leanna Vance
I want to thank my husband! He has always loved me and when I chose to have RNY because my diabetes was no longer responding to medication, he said whatever you want. He went to the informational meetings with me, took many days off to take me into Boston for appointments. He held my hand before surgery and after. He gave up soda and sweets for me. He loves me enough to say NO to my cravings! He has exercised with me. He listens when I’m frustrated, encourages me, and is beside me. I believe that my journey will be more successful because he is such an awesome support person. Thanks Scott- with my RNY, maybe we will celebrate another 25 years together ! -Lisa Curley (Photo above)