Set-Up Your Basic Account Settings

Your basic account settings are automatically created upon registration but you can change them when your status or information changes.

After you login, click on "Settings"


"General" tab, "Basic" selected, you can update:

  1. The "What best describes you?" section.
  2. First and Last Name Fields.
  3. Your gender can be set here.
  4. Units - Please select Imperial or Metric.
  5. Followed by your height.
  6. You can update your insurance status.
  7. Set your profile visibility.
  8. Your display name preferences can be set-up here.
  9. Location publicly,  means it would show on your profile, the message board when you post, etc
  10. If they are your surgeon and you give them permission,  your profile will show up on their site.
  11. If they are your surgeon and you give them permission, your Before and After photos will show up on their site.

Click "Save" when you have your settings set

settings-2 settings-3

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