Setting Sustainable and Attainable Goals for the New Year
December 30, 2024Setting sustainable and attainable goals provides a strong foundation for success, giving you direction, focus, and purpose. Goals help to transform your aspirations into actionable and manageable steps, helping to make them more achievable. Without clear goals, it’s easy to become distracted, lose focus, or feel unmotivated. When you set goals, you introduce a sense of accountability into your routine, pushing you to take consistent action. Ultimately, setting goals helps you stay on track, and when reached, creates a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Whether you're on a weight loss journey or striving for long-term maintenance, setting and achieving goals is key to your success. To support you along the way, check out these 7 insightful articles filled with strategies, tips, and expert advice that can guide you toward lasting results.
Returning to Your Weight Loss Goals: Essential Steps to Overcome Weight Regain
The first step in returning to your weight loss goals, as simple as it sounds, is to realize when you have strayed from your weight loss goals. Knowing when your weight loss has slowed, stopped, or even reversed is essential to realigning your lifestyle with your goals. Have an honest discussion with yourself, enlist help, and get started today! You can do it!
10 Coach-Approved Tips For Reaching Your Goals In The New Year And Beyond
With the holiday season in full-swing and 2024 coming to a close, our never-ending to-do lists seem to grow exponentially. As our minds swirl with all the details of holiday planning, we tend to reflect on the year gone by and begin to look forward to the new year ahead. We vow to do things differently once the first of January arrives. But, without proper goal-setting, our resolutions will be nothing more than fantasies that chip away at our self-esteem when not achieved.
How a Dietary Meal Plan Can Help to Reach Weight Loss Goals
Your weight loss plan relies heavily on more than just a piece of paper that outlines what you can eat but rather includes the tools necessary to achieve sustainable and attainable goals. Think of your weight loss plan in that context; list your goals, gather your tools and create a sustainable plan that allows for weight loss but more importantly weight maintenance.
My Own Goals After WLS: Why I Set Them and How I Pursue Them
Goal setting is a tricky thing for me. At 300 pounds, my goals always centered around dropping pounds. Five pounds, ten pounds, any pounds. I would plead with myself, yo-yo diet, and ultimately fail. Prepping to have a vertical sleeve gastrectomy in June of 2015 taught me my first lesson in goal setting to achieving sustainable and attainable goals.
50 Non-Food Ways to Celebrate Your WLS Milestones & Goals
Before WLS, most of us celebrated and rewarded ourselves with food. No more! When we use food as a reward (or punishment), it doesn't put food in its place as fuel for your body. By giving yourself non-food rewards, it won't undermine your efforts. Put yourself first on your list of priorities. Make your rewards something that is special and adds to your life to commemorate your WLS milestones and goals.
10 Ways To Stay Focused and Meet Your Goals
Are you ready for new beginnings in the New Year? Turn your New Year's resolutions into goals. Are you ready to meet your goals? Check out the 10 important ways to stay focused and meet your goals!
Progress versus Perfection in the New Year & Beyond – a Revolution
Resolutions are kind of backward to how goals are meant to be achieved. They are focused on getting everything right from the beginning and not allowing for anything to get in the way. But guess what? I don't know about you, but in my world, life happens! Perfection doesn't exist for those of us living in the real world of daily obligations and speed bumps.