bariatric surgery thanksgiving survival guide

Bariatric Surgery Thanksgiving Survival Guide

November 27, 2019 · 0 comments

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time but has challenges with food, relationships, and stress. That's why we created this Bariatric Surgery Thanksgiving Survival Guide to support you. Before bariatric surgery, most of us focused on the food at Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is so much more than food. It is about family, friends,

Before & After VSG with Melissa

Before & After VSG with Melissa, losing 109 lbs!

November 13, 2018 · 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS I was very thin, I was a size 0 in my senior year of high school. However, when I went to college, I gained almost 100 pounds in a year after being placed on a series of medications. Once I was married, in 2001,

Celebrate Your Independence Today 2

Celebrate Your Independence Today & Every Day!

July 3, 2018 · 0 comments

In the United States, July 4th is observed as a holiday that celebrates the independence of Americans. On July 4, 2018, Americans will celebrate Independence Day for the 242nd time. Celebrate Your Independence Today! If you are a bariatric surgery post-op, you can celebrate your own personal independence every single

OH2017 After Party

Rolling Out the Red Carpet at the OH2017 After Party!

December 15, 2017 · 0 comments

As the ObesityHelp National Conference came to a close, we rolled out the red carpet for our last night together at the OH2017 After Party, sponsored by Platinum Sponsor Premier Protein! The conference attendees looked amazing all dressed up in their favorite evening attire. You'll love seeing all of the photos

Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding Parfait

Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding Parfait

May 7, 2015 · 0 comments

I’ll let you in on a little secret: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using food as a form of celebration. Nope, I don’t! This Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding Parfait is a celebration every time I make it. You know who was a big fan of bringing people together with