Cherry Chocolate Superfood Shake By The Skinny Chef

February 4, 2013 · 0 comments

Cherry Chocolate Superfood Shake by The Skinny Chef, Jennifer Iserloh Created exclusively for ObesityHelp members! Cherry, chocolate, and avocado are all superfoods that are extremely high in vitamins, minerals and other healing compounds like antioxidants that can do everything from improve your mood and calm inflammation. Serves 1 ¾ cup

WLS Friendly Recipes: Meet The Skinny Chef

February 4, 2013 · 0 comments

WLS Friendly Recipes: Meet The Skinny Chef Guess what? The Skinny Chef, Jennifer Iserloh, has been busy creating WLS friendly recipes exclusively for OH. That's right!  She is developing recipes with OH members in mind and we couldn't be more excited!  Make sure you stop by from time to time

Healthy Super Bowl Snacks For Game Day!

February 2, 2013 · 0 comments

Healthy Super Bowl Snacks For Game Day! What do you think of when you think of Super Bowl Sunday?  Other than football, this much-awaited game day is famous for the snacks we serve and consume.  Here are a few healthier snack ideas for you to try this weekend!   Warm

Get A Little Fitness Inspiration!

February 1, 2013 · 0 comments

Get A Little Fitness Inspiration! Exercising is good for the mind, body, and soul but staying motivated can be a little challenging at times. Here are 15 inspirational reminders to help you stay on the fitness track throughout your weight loss journey! 1. Running late to happy hour does not

Making Breakfast A Priority

January 31, 2013 · 0 comments

Making Breakfast a Priority by Kent Sasse, MD, MPH, FACS, FACRS “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” While commonly quoted, this advice is not as commonly taken. Starting your day with one healthy decision supports more healthy decisions throughout the day. This is one important reason to

12 Immune Rich Foods

January 30, 2013 · 0 comments

12 Immune Rich Foods by Stacy Paine, RD, LD       Gone are the days of poolside conversation and long summer evenings, along with the days of beautiful autumn colors and crisp cool air. In rushes the dreaded cold and flu season. The good news is that a healthy,

What Is Your Calorie IQ? Take The Quiz!

January 30, 2013 · 0 comments

What Is Your Calorie IQ? Take The Quiz! Calorie counts on some of the foods we eat can be surprising.  Sometimes we make food choices on assumptions of what we think might be the better choice.  Take this Calorie IQ quiz and see how many answers you get right! Which

5 Reasons Why You Should Exercise

January 28, 2013 · 0 comments

5 Reasons Why You Should Exercise We all know that exercise can help us to lose weight but there are countless other benefits to working out on a regular basis.  Here are 5 good reasons why you should make fitness a focus in your life: Exercise gives you energy and

Paul Mason Loses 630 Pounds, Needs Plastic Surgery

January 28, 2013 · 0 comments

Paul Mason Loses 630 Pounds, Needs Plastic Surgery Once known as the world's fattest man, 51-year-old Paul Mason has happily shed that unwanted title. Three years ago, Mason underwent weight loss surgery and has lost an incredible 630 pounds. The formerly bedridden Ipswich, England man, who tipped the scales at