Superfoods: The Key to Sustaining Weight Loss

February 14, 2013 · 0 comments

Superfoods: The Key to Sustaining Weight Loss by The Skinny Chef, Jennifer Iserioh I grew up in a family of serious eaters who struggled with weight issues.  We love food in all of its incarnations, home-cooked, take-out, high-end restaurant, ethnic, and everything in between. When I hit my early 20’s

Getting The Desires Of Your Heart

February 13, 2013 · 0 comments

Getting The Desires Of Your Heart As a Life Empowerment Coach whose focus is to help people create their life dreams, one question I am continually asked is, “How do we manifest our desires?” Meaning, how do we get the love we want? How do we get the job and

14 Heart-Healthy Foods

February 13, 2013 · 0 comments

 14 Heart-Healthy Foods February is American Heart Month and a reminder to us all that heart disease is the number one cause of death in men and women in the United States.  So what steps should we take to maintain a healthy heart?  Here are a few tips to remember:

weight regain

Getting Back To Goal: 5 Key Steps To Reverse Weight Regain

February 12, 2013 · 0 comments

Recently, I got on the scale after noticing that my clothes were feeling (and looking) tighter than I am comfortable with and realized that I had slid right past my “safety zone” into the new (or more truthfully, old) territory. I immediately realized that I had been traveling a lot

Test Your Sleep Disorder IQ

February 12, 2013 · 0 comments

Test Your Sleep Disorder IQ How much do you know about sleep disorders? Take our quick quiz to find out! True or False? Alcohol abuse and certain drug use can be attributed to snoring. There are 11 types of sleep disorders. People who have sleep apnea can stop breathing several

American Heart Month: 5 Heart Attack Symptoms To Look For

February 11, 2013 · 0 comments

American Heart Month: 5 Heart Attack Symptoms To Look For February is not only the month for Valentines Day and showing your true love how you feel about them, it is also American Heart Month which allows for a special focus on heart disease symptoms and healthy heart awareness. According

A Before And After Celebration: Featuring Judith Dufort

February 11, 2013 · 0 comments

A Before And After Celebration: Judith Dufort Patient: Judith Dufort Surgery: Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Date: 3/25/2011 Surgeon: Surgeon: Kent Sasse, MD, MPH, FACS, FACRS I struggled with being overweight my entire life. I felt like I was always the fat one among my friends. I had tried every single diet

weight loss surgery

6 Things I Wish I’d Known About Weight Loss Surgery

February 11, 2013 · Comments Off on 6 Things I Wish I’d Known About Weight Loss Surgery

Are you a weight loss surgery pre-op or early post-op?  There have been many twists and turns in my own weight loss surgery journey. I believe in paying it forward so I'd like to share the 6 things I wish I'd known as a weight loss surgery pre-op and early