Bariatric Regain

April 10, 2013 · 0 comments

It may be surprising for patients to learn that weight regain after gastric bypass is the most common post-operative complication.  Many patients are told about the possibility of blood clots, leakages, or other surgical complications but the topic of regain is rarely discussed in detail.   When the topic is broached

Early Bird Registration is Now Open!

April 8, 2013 · 0 comments

Early Bird Registration is now open! Start planning for the ObesityHelp National Conference in Anaheim California. Whether this is your 1st time coming to an event, or you're coming back for more – we can’t wait to see you! Early Birds get: $25 OFF ($50 Registration), Regular Admissions Price Returns to

VSG Q & A’s: Weight Stalls And Plateaus

April 8, 2013 · 0 comments

Weight Stalls and Plateaus You are keeping your end of the bargain.  You are eating right, exercising often, and respecting the weight loss tool you have been given. So, when you step on to the scale and it doesn't budge for weeks at a time, it can be especially frustrating

Manatee Gray: Target Apologizes For Plus Sized Error

April 6, 2013 · 0 comments

Manatees are sometimes known as sea cows and can weigh as much as 1,300 pounds. Oh. No. Target. Didn't. Susan Clemens was just minding her own business and shopping away on when she noticed that a dress she was looking at was labeled "Dark Heather Gray" for the standard

Mind Matters: Put YOU On Your List!

April 5, 2013 · 0 comments

Your Mind Matters! We take care of many people throughout our lifetime; our spouse or significant other, children, co-workers, parents, friends, and sometimes even strangers. However, someone is most likely missing from your list of priorities ...YOU. In our efforts to take care of others, we often neglect ourselves. Are

Bariatric Executives Meet To Discuss Developments And Updates

April 5, 2013 · 0 comments

Bariatric Executives Meet To Discuss Developments And Updates Irvine, CA. (April 4, 2013)-The Bariatric Industry Executive Group met via conference call on April 3, 2013 as a follow-up to the in-person organizational meeting held in January, 2013. The Bariatric Executives in attendance were: Michael Oberg, Allergan Graham Anderson, American Healthcare


Portion Distortion

April 4, 2013 · 0 comments

Do you know what a normal portion of food looks like? If it fits on a plate, is that a portion? How many true portions are in the meals they serve in restaurants? We are accustomed to thinking of large platters as to what a normal, healthy, serving size should

Samoa Air: Pay Only For What You Weigh

April 3, 2013 · 0 comments

Samoa Air, a small airline serving the Samoan islands, has introduced a travel industry first: You pay what you weigh.  That’s right.  Your weight determines the price of your airfare! It works like this. Passengers are required to log in their personal weight and the weight of their luggage when

head hunger will pass

Head Hunger: Hang On, It Will Pass

April 2, 2013 · 0 comments

Head hunger (or emotional eating) is not true physical hunger so it is important not to feed it. Many of the triggers come from an emotion or uncomfortable situation. Common emotions that can flip the switch to turn on head hunger and emotional eating are boredom, anxiety, anger, sadness, and

Where Will Your Journey Take You?

April 2, 2013 · 0 comments

I was excited when asked by Obesity Help to contribute to their blog. I am a Lap-band post-op who has been active in the Obesity Help community for the last five years. During this time, I have been blogging about my journey to a happier, healthier life after weight loss