Recipes For Success: Pass The Parsnips Please

September 13, 2013 · 0 comments

Editor's Note: These recipes are a companion piece to the article Fighting Fruit and Veggie Boredom. To read that article click here.   Yummy Recipes By Rachel Girardi, MSc One of the vegetables I recently added into my repertoire is the parsnip. Parsnips are a fabulous vegetable to use because

The Fight Against Childhood Obesity Begins At Home

September 13, 2013 · 0 comments

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years.-CDC Childhood Obesity Rates Can Be Reduced With Healthy Habits At Home September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and you will find many articles in the press and news anchors on every channel talking

Fighting Fruit And Veggie Boredom

September 12, 2013 · 0 comments

Everyone knows that to get and stay healthy (and maintain a healthy body weight) they need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. So, why do so many people have trouble getting enough of them? When I ask my clients, they often say they don’t eat vegetables because they are

Before and After: Gloria Says Goodbye To 98 Pounds!

Before and After: Gloria Says Goodbye To 98 Pounds!

September 11, 2013 · 0 comments

A Before and After Celebration!  Featuring Gloria Joseph OH Username: Glow2254 Surgery Type:  RNY Weight lost: 98 pounds Surgeon: Keith Chung, MD My name is Gloria Joseph I have been a big girl my entire life and for the most part, I made it work for me.  My weight prior

Find Your Passions In Life And Live Them!

Find Your Passions In Life And Live Them!

September 11, 2013 · 0 comments

Get A Life! Usually when someone says to “get a life” it is meant in a derogatory manner. For our purposes as WLS patients, it means that we are reinventing our lives after our surgery. Before surgery, most of us spent considerable time thinking about what we were going to

obesityhelp chebli

We Appreciate Our ObesityHelp Community Advocates!

September 10, 2013 · 0 comments

Worldwide ObesityHelp Advocacy Since 1998! We would like to say thank you to the Bariatric and Plastic Surgery Professionals who are currently sponsoring our ObesityHelp community and advocacy outreach missions. Each month, we will feature a few of our sponsors. Please join us in thanking the following professionals for their


8 Foods That Help To Reduce Anxiety

September 10, 2013 · 0 comments

by Tammy J Colter If you are experiencing anxiety or stress, making wrong foods choices can actually worsen your symptoms.  But the good news is that there are many foods that can play an important role in helping to calm your body and support your emotions.  Here are 8 foods

Come Dance And Rock It Out With Robanne In Anaheim!

September 9, 2013 · 0 comments

Dance, Dance, and Dance some more in Southern California!   Hey party people! It’s just about time for the ObesityHelp conference!  While you are figuring out what to pack and what to wear…have you thought about…how you’re going to shake it on the dance floor?  I’ve got some moves for

Childhood Obesity Cannot Be Ignored

September 8, 2013 · 0 comments

With one in three children in the United States being obese or overweight, the seriousness of childhood obesity cannot be ignored. Statistics show that children who are obese (compared to those of an average weight) are five times more likely to become obese adults.  It is without a doubt that

katzen vid

Dr. Katzen To Discuss The Next Phase In Your Journey

September 7, 2013 · 0 comments

Get The Real Skinny On Plastic Surgery From Dr. Katzen! Dr. J. Timothy Katzen is dedicated to helping weight loss surgery patients achieve a better contoured shape with plastic surgery.  He has created innovative plastic surgical techniques that minimize scars and maximize skin and fat removal. Dr. Katzen has performed