12 Things To Do This Thanksgiving

12 Things To Do This Thanksgiving

November 26, 2013 · 0 comments

Some of our best memories and traditions are created on Thanksgiving Day.  The festivities always include great food and cherished time with family and friends.  Here are 12 more ways you can celebrate and enjoy this festive holiday. 1.  Watch The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with your family. 2.  Volunteer

Holiday Meals

How To Survive (And Enjoy) The Holiday Season

November 24, 2013 · 0 comments

It’s officially here. That amazing time of year that we love filled with family, friends, and traditions. But it’s not all fun and reindeer games. For people trying to make healthy food choices the Holidays can be a very emotionally trying time. In this two part blog series I want

Bariatric Surgery Is Not a Covered Benefit For Colorado

November 20, 2013 · 0 comments

Last month I attended my local Medical Society’s meeting in Denver.  The title of the meeting was, “The New Insurance Exchange—What Physicians Need to Know.”   Representatives from Connect for Health Colorado, the CO Division of Insurance, and Denver Public Health were on the panel to help explain how the insurance

The Evolution Of Surgery

November 18, 2013 · 0 comments

How We Moved From Open to Robot-Assisted Surgery It’s been about a year since I was first asked by a patient, “Why do you need a robot? Are you going to be in the lounge doing my surgery with a joystick drinking coffee?” I suddenly realized how far weight loss

Finding a little HOPE at ObesityWeek!

November 14, 2013 · 0 comments

Bo is having the time of his life at Obesity Week 2013 (#OW2013)! He got to meet Barrett Brooks, the Former Offensive Tackle for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Not only did he get to meet him, he got to wear his super bowl ring! Barrett is part of really amazing initiatives

thanksgiving article

Making Thanksgiving Gratitude An Attitude

November 11, 2013 · 0 comments

Thanksgiving-Just One Day A Year? Ah....November. The month of turkey, ham, roast beef, stuffing, pies, and holiday shopping. Pre-operatively, many of us started planning for holiday eating in September! True, November is the month for Thanksgiving and part of Thanksgiving is food, however, it is much more. During November, our

big changes are coming to obesityhelp

Big Changes are Coming to ObesityHelp.com

November 9, 2013 · 0 comments

We are proud to announce big changes are coming to ObesityHelp.com that make the entire site mobile-friendly. This exciting redesign will be launching soon.  Our goal is to enhance the experience for our members.  We've made improvements to the navigation, site structure and revamped our photo system.  We hope you'll find

500 Pound Man Too Obese To Fly Says British Airways

500 Pound Man Too Obese To Fly Says British Airways

November 8, 2013 · 0 comments

Obese Man And His Family Stranded In The US A year and a half ago 22-year-old Kevin Chenais flew from France to the United States to get treatment for a hormone disorder at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  During his stay in the US he gained weight and now

Yummy 15 Bean Soup For A Cold Fall Day

Yummy 15 Bean Soup For A Cold Fall Day

November 6, 2013 · 0 comments

Try A Little Hot Soup To Soothe Your Soul On a cold and breezy fall day... a delicious, hearty hot soup seems to be just what the doctor ordered.  So as the temperatures continue to drop, I have been thinking of what soups to make during these fall and winter


The Run Is Done For These ObesityHelp Members!

November 4, 2013 · 0 comments

Celebrating ObesityHelp Members Reaching Their Fitness Goals! Talk about inspiring!  Several ObesityHelp members recently reached some pretty incredible fitness goals.  It takes a lot of hard work and dedication but it is always worth it when you cross that finish line!  A big high five and congrats to the members