National Walking Day – Get Moving!

April 2, 2014 · 0 comments

Today is National Walking Day! Celebrate by lacing up your sneakers and get moving for at least 30 minutes! Why Walking? Research has shown that walking at least 30 minutes a day can help you: Reduce your risk of coronary heart disease and stroke Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and blood lipid profile

ObesityHelp Conference Speakers Announced

April 2, 2014 · 0 comments

We are pleased to announce our first six speakers for the 2014 ObesityHelp National Conference. Make sure to stop by and learn more about them, we'll also be adding more details to the agenda soon and announcing the #OH2014 Keynote (you're going to LOVE the keynote)!  There will also be

12-Year-Old Girl’s Condition Improves After Weight Loss Surgery

April 1, 2014 · 0 comments

Doctors who performed weight loss surgery on a 12-year-old girl from Texas said her health condition has already improved just a week after surgery. Surgeons at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center performed a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on 12-year-old Alexis Shapiro on March 21st. Once a normal weight child, Alexis rapidly gained

Final Day to Save with OH2014 Early Bird Ticket

March 31, 2014 · 0 comments

Today is the final day to save $25 by purchasing an Early Bird Ticket for the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference! The 11th ObesityHelp Annual National Conference will be held on August 15-16, 2014 in Los Angeles, California at the Manhattan Beach Marriott.  Early Bird Tickets are available until March 31st for

Documentary All of Me Available Online

March 30, 2014 · 0 comments

The documentary All of Me is available to view online via the PBS Independent Lens website until April 22, 2014. All of Me is a documentary that follows the "Girls". The “Girls” have been friends — and morbidly obese — for years. They met via the Austin chapter of the National Association to

Rosie O’Donnell Revealed She Had Vertical Sleeve Gastroplasty

March 28, 2014 · 0 comments

Comedian and activist, Rosie O'Donnell revealed she had Vertical Sleeve Gastroplasty in July 2013. During a recent event for the American Heart Association, O'Donnell told the audience "I did it to save my life". O'Donnell suffered a major heart attack in 2012, which prompted her to make healthier lifestyle changes.

Just 5 Days Left to Buy Your Early Bird Tickets

March 27, 2014 · 0 comments

ObesityHelp Conference-Have You Bought Your Early Bird Tickets Yet? We sure hope so!  If not, you still have 5 more days to take advantage of the early bird price.  The 11th ObesityHelp Annual National Conference will be held on August 15-16, 2014 in Los Angeles, California at the Manhattan Beach

healthy travel tips

5 Healthy Travel Tips

March 18, 2014 · 0 comments

Vacation season is approaching, here are some healthy travel tips to keep in mind to avoid the unexpected interrupting your trip. Stay Hydrated — Water is even more important for our bodies when traveling. It is important to drink plenty of water before, during and after traveling. Hydration is even

I Started Living The Day I Had This Surgery

March 17, 2014 · 0 comments

A Before And After Celebration Featuring: Bobbie Carter OH Username:  tgrlnh Surgery Type:  RNY Weight lost:  205 pounds (In 18 months!) Surgeon:  John Gens, MD I was 28 and on the brink of death.  I started living the day I had this surgery. I had wanted weight loss surgery for

2014 ObesityHelp Conference Super Early Bird Winner

March 12, 2014 · 0 comments

Congratulations to LaVesca, our  2014 ObesityHelp Conference Super Early Bird Winner! She won a $100 Visa Gift Card! Join LaVesca and hundreds of other ObesityHelp community members, professionals, and vendors at the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference in Manhattan Beach, California, August 15 and 16. You can buy your #OH2014 Early Bird ticket