ObesityHelp Conference Educational Keynote Dr. Scott Cunneen

May 6, 2014 · 0 comments

We’re pleased  to announce Scott Cunneen, MD, FACS, as the Educational Keynote speaker for the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference! Educational Keynote - What To Do When The Honeymoon Is Over For those planning to have weight loss surgery, as well as for those who have already done so, extensive patient education is required – or

May is National Bike Month

May 4, 2014 · 0 comments

May is National Bike Month, check out the many health benefits to bicycling.  Bicycle commuting burns an average of 540 calories per hour. The average person loses 13 lbs in the first year of commuting by bike. If American adults each drove one mile less per day, it would reduce the


Graham Elliot to Inspire as Featured Keynote Speaker at #OH2014

April 30, 2014 · 0 comments

Each year, ObesityHelp.com brings together hundreds of conference attendees that are navigating their weight loss surgery journey with a common goal of weight loss, improved health and wellness. There is always a very special connection among our attendees, one where you can look around the room and know that others right there

ObesityHelp Conference Speaker Nikki Massie

April 29, 2014 · 0 comments

We’re happy to introduce Nikki Massie, author at Bariatric Foodie, as a speaker for the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference! Workshop Session: Awkward! (Dealing With Uncomfortable Food Situations And Social Settings After Weight-Loss Surgery) A business lunch. A family gathering. A first date. These events can be stressful enough by themselves, but after

Weight Loss Surgery May Change Sense of Taste and Smell

April 25, 2014 · 0 comments

Weight loss surgery patients reported a change in their sense of taste and smell, according to a recent study conducted with 103 British patients. The patients all underwent Roux-en-Y (RNY) gastric bypass surgery. Forty-two percent of patients reported a change in their sense of smell after surgery. Seventy-three percent reported

ObesityHelp Conference Speaker Dr. J. Timothy Katzen

April 24, 2014 · 0 comments

We’re happy to introduce Dr. J. Timothy Katzen as a speaker for the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference! Breakout Session:  Reconstructive Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss Surgery Have you had weight loss surgery and been left with excess sagging skin that you’re ready to get rid of? Then this is the session

ObesityHelp Conference Speaker Abby Lentz

April 22, 2014 · 0 comments

We’re happy to introduce Abby Lentz as a speaker for the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference! Workshop Session: Yoga Is Not A 4-Letter Word: How Yoga Supports Your Weight Loss Journey From Start To Finish! Teaching from the 3 A’s — Awareness, Acceptance and Affection — Abby brings the benefits of yoga

hard boiled eggs

Recipe Ideas for Leftover Hard Boiled Eggs

April 20, 2014 · 0 comments

Eggs are more than just a breakfast food! As holiday celebrations wind down we wanted to share some of our favorite recipes to make use of leftover hard boiled eggs. Delicious and protein packed recipes perfect for lunch or dinner Avocado Egg Salad (from The Daily Meal) - This Avocado Egg Salad