Obsessing Over the Scale, How & When to Weigh Yourself

August 7, 2014 · 0 comments

Do you find yourself weighing yourself five times a day or maybe even every hour? Obsessing over the number staring back at you, and becoming a slave to the scale? Although it may be exciting to see the pounds melt off your body after your post-bariatric surgery, you should take

Recognizing Emotional Hunger & Fullness

August 6, 2014 · 0 comments

We all have at least two kinds of hunger and fullness – physical and emotional. Although weight loss surgery can be great at helping us recognize and honor our physical hunger and fullness, it does nothing to help us with our emotional hunger and fullness. After surgery, the body may

Combating Osteopenia & Osteoporosis

August 5, 2014 · 0 comments

A while back, adventure called my friend Kevin out to the tropical beaches of Phuket, Thailand. He had decided he wanted to train as a Muay Thai fighter, so he immersed himself in a world-class training camp nestled amongst the coconut palms and banana trees. On his first day at

6 Ways to Pay It Forward on ObesityHelp

August 4, 2014 · 0 comments

At ObesityHelp our motto is "Making the Journey Together" and our  members play a key role in creating a community of support, information, and education. We often get feedback from members of how helpful the website has been to them, and their weight loss journey. We wanted to share a

Preparing for Surgery Through Nutrition

August 4, 2014 · 0 comments

Nutrition is Key for Pre-ops! There’s a difference between feeding yourself and nourishing yourself. At times, the more you feed yourself, the less nourished you actually become. There are a lot of moving pieces to the puzzle such as your lifestyle, stress level, and your sleeping patterns. But, in order

Yoga & You Starter Kit Giveaway ($176 value)

August 1, 2014 · 0 comments

Learn Yoga with the Yoga & You Starter Kit  Do you want to reduce stress, increase flexibility, build strength, create balance and renew vitality? Then this giveaway is for you! To celebrate the upcoming ObesityHelp National Conference, we’ve partnered with one of our amazing speakers, Abby Lentz of HeavyWeight Yoga to bring you

In Loving Memory of Dr. Joseph A. Kuhn

July 30, 2014 · 0 comments

The ObesityHelp team is deeply saddened to share with our members and visitors that of one of our highly regarded community members and advocates, Dr. Joseph A. Kuhn, 55, passed away on Sunday, July 20, 2014.  He was a cherished husband, father, son, brother and friend and a very caring

5 Ways to Stay Healthy Through Grief and Loss

July 29, 2014 · 0 comments

A month ago my dog passed away. Chaz had been in my life for over eight years after we got him from a rescue when he was five. Although he was an older dog and I knew eventually it would happen, the sudden loss of him in my life was


Can Your “Self-Talk” Make You Fat?

July 28, 2014 · 0 comments

"Be careful how you talk to yourself because you are listening."  -Lisa M. Hayes Weird question: Would you ever knowingly poison yourself? I am betting your answer would be no! Yet, how many times a day do you talk to yourself in a way that diminishes your value or undermines