#OH2015 – Help Us Pick The Conference Location!

December 19, 2014 · 0 comments

Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles or Raleigh? #OH2015 planning is underway, we'll be having the Conference in October and we've narrowed down the locations for the next ObesityHelp Conference and would love your help in picking the final location! We'll be taking form submissions until December 30th. Once we've looked over the

Cross Addiction

Crossing The Line To Cross Addiction

December 15, 2014 · 0 comments

You've had your weight loss surgery and reached your goal or are well on your way to your weight loss goals. Finally! Shouldn't it be smooth sailing from now on? Then, all of a sudden, you notice some behaviors of cross addiction such as consuming alcohol, gambling or shopping are

10 Holiday Food Bombs to Avoid

December 15, 2014 · 0 comments

Recently I went to a holiday party and had a big "duh" moment.  Just because I focus on healthy ingredients when I cook doesn't mean that everyone does.  The host couple are very health conscious and run marathons.  So I assumed their holiday dishes would be healthy. As I found

body image

You are beautiful. You are perfect…Just as You are

December 9, 2014 · 0 comments

We have become a very judgmental species. We obsess over any imperfection. Magazines with titles like “Get rid of those wrinkles” or “5 steps to the abs you want” fly off shelves. We are competitive and constantly looking at each other and thinking, “Am I bigger? More attractive? Smarter? Who

Bigger Crash Test Dummies Improve Safety For Obese Drivers

December 1, 2014 · 0 comments

"Obese people are 78% more likely to die in a car crash." - Chris O' Connor, CEO of Humanetics Nearly two-thirds of American adults are affected by obesity, and in addition to the health complications associated with obesity, driving can be more dangerous.  According to researchers, obese drivers are more likely

happy thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from ObesityHelp

November 27, 2014 · 0 comments

Happy Thanksgiving from ObesityHelp. The OH staff wishes our entire community a happy and healthy holiday. Did you know? Sarah Josepha Hale petitioned for a national Thanksgiving holiday for close to 40 years, believing that "Thanksgiving, like the Fourth of July, should be considered a national festival and observed by

Food Pushers

It doesn’t have to be a Food Fight with Food Pushers

November 18, 2014 · 0 comments

Chances are there has been a situation where you have felt pressured into eating something that you didn’t want to because either a friend or loved one convinced you that you should have just one, or 20. This is what we like to refer to as a food pusher. Someone

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Are You a Worry Wart?

November 18, 2014 · 0 comments

Are you a worry wart?  Do you find yourself worrying about little things that you have no control?  Have people in your life told you that you worry too much?  Worrying is a normal part of life, however, if you worry about small things that take up a lot of

PatchMD Giveaway Winners & Discount

November 14, 2014 · 0 comments

The PatchMD Giveaway is now closed, thank you for participating! The FOUR winners will get to select FIVE patches that they would like to try, PatchMD will send a 90 day supply of each of the five selections directly to the winners. Congratulations to the PatchMD Winners! Thank you for entering

sit less move more

ObesityHelp Community Tips: Sit Less, Move More

November 14, 2014 · 0 comments

Whether you're sitting at a desk, watching television, or sitting during a commute...you may be clocking a lot of hours sitting down. Research has shown that sitting for eight hours a day can negatively impact health. Health effects of sitting for long periods of time include: Organ damage including heart disease, over productive