10 Strategies to Make Grocery Shopping a Success

10 Strategies to Make Grocery Shopping a Success

March 24, 2017 · 0 comments

Many who have undergone WLS can attest to the fact that tasks involving food that were relatively simple prior to surgery may not be so simple afterward. This can also be the case for grocery shopping. It can be difficult to know what and how much to buy on each

Before After VSG with Kari C

Before & After VSG with Kari C., losing 151 pounds!

March 14, 2017 · 0 comments

Why I decided to have WLS My struggle with weight goes back as far as I can remember. Some of my earlier memories were of my pediatrician discussing my weight with my mother. From a young age, I can recall being on various diets. None of which stuck or truly helped

Before & After RNY with SabrinaB62

Before & After RNY with SabrinaB62

February 21, 2017 · 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS Like most, I was ALWAYS heavy. Throughout my early childhood and forward, I was always the kid who got picked on, called horrible names, chosen last for team sports…never went to high school dances and didn’t even get asked to my Senior Prom. After

Before & After Gastric Sleeve with Erin Flannigan-Nieves

Before & After Gastric Sleeve with Erin!

February 14, 2017 · 0 comments

My Struggles With Obesity and Losing Weight Never call a girl fat. You'll never know how far she'll go to see the opposite of that. I finally started to realize in second grade I was different from everyone else. I realized the girls in my class were all wearing Limited

17 things you should know about the duodenal switch

17 Things You Should Know About the Duodenal Switch (DS)

January 30, 2017 · 0 comments

Making the decision to undergo weight loss surgery is a life-changing proposition. It is imperative when devising an informed and educated decision, in collaboration with your surgeon, regarding the short and long-term outcomes of weight loss surgical procedures. The Duodenal Switch (DS) (Bilio-pancreatic diversion with Duodenal Switch) has the best

before after vsg alan

Before & After VSG with Alan, losing 165 pounds!

January 24, 2017 · 0 comments

My Weight Struggles My story of weight loss is a long one. It started in 1987 when I had ACL surgery and developed a staph infection in my knee and as a result had six knee surgeries and was off work for six months and gained over 100 pounds. I

Before After RNY Gastric Bypass

Before & After Gastric Bypass RNY with Kevin, losing 220lbs!

January 10, 2017 · 0 comments

Celebrating Kevin's Before & After Gastric Bypass RNY Journey! I’ve been struggling with my weight since elementary school. I was the fat kid; the fat teenager and then became the fat adult. I tried Weight Watchers, Adkins, Slim Fast and several other diets. The weight would come off only to


Success in 2017: Goals, Habits, Back On Track & More!

December 31, 2016 · 0 comments

Happy New Year, we wish you much health, happiness and success in 2017! If you have new goals or a bucket list that you'd like to accomplish in 2017, a very helpful tool is the ObesityHelp Goal System! Sharing your goals or even posting them as a personal reminder for

before after gastric bypass with skotti

Before & After Gastric Bypass with Skotti, losing 202 pounds

December 27, 2016 · 0 comments

Celebrating Skotti's Before & After Gastric Bypass Journey! I was always a “big boned” boy growing up. Yes, not fat, big boned. At least people meant well when they said that to me. One thing that I realized from an early age in elementary school is that I was bigger