weight regain resolution

After Bariatric Surgery: Weight Regain Resolution

March 29, 2017 · 0 comments

Weight Regain Resolution: In the beginning of our weight loss surgery journey, our paranoia and need to follow the rules keep us on track. During the honeymoon period, we have defined goals that we are working towards, which contributes to our advanced weight loss. This weight loss ends and can reverse

Before After VSG with Melanie

Before & After VSG with Melanie, losing 170 pounds!

March 28, 2017 · 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have Bariatric Surgery I was overweight pretty much my entire life. I always played sports and was generally active as a kid, so it never got too out of hand. When I went away to college and lost all of that "built-in" activity, I started to develop

10 Benefits of Cardio and Strength Training

10 Benefits of Cardio and Strength Training

March 27, 2017 · 0 comments

To support your healthy lifestyle, exercise needs to be part of your life not only to lose weight or maintain a weight loss but also to improve your health. Exercise is a mindset that celebrates what your body can do and not as a punishment for a food choice you made or

10 Strategies to Make Grocery Shopping a Success

10 Strategies to Make Grocery Shopping a Success

March 24, 2017 · 0 comments

Many who have undergone WLS can attest to the fact that tasks involving food that were relatively simple prior to surgery may not be so simple afterward. This can also be the case for grocery shopping. It can be difficult to know what and how much to buy on each

resolve sleep apnea

Can Bariatric Surgery Really Resolve My Sleep Apnea?

March 22, 2017 · 0 comments

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is an extremely common public health problem present in 2% to 4% of the general population. It has been linked to the development of hypertension and is a risk factor for the incidental development of stroke, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation (a

Before After RNY with WintersParadox

Before & After RNY with WintersParadox, losing 225 lbs!

March 21, 2017 · 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS Let me tell you, the struggle is real. My entire life I have struggled with gaining, losing, and then regaining. I struggled throughout my entire school career where I was bullied about my size. I struggled as a parent. I struggled to even do

8 Tips for My Family & Friends to Understand WLS

8 Tips for My Family & Friends To Understand WLS

March 20, 2017 · 0 comments

Choosing to have WLS is not an easy decision. Usually, it is the last choice when nothing else has worked in the past to lose and maintain weight loss. Before making your lifetime change, you probably did much research, had appointments with surgeons and talked in-depth with family and loved ones.  You

WLS Grad

Been There, Learned That…Tips from a WLS Grad

March 15, 2017 · 0 comments

I am a DS post-op and on December 10th, 2016, it was my seven-year surgiversary.  After having the Duodenal Switch (DS), I have lost and kept off 220 pounds, not had a single pound of weight gain, built a strong and fit physique, completely changed my relationship with food and

Before After VSG with Kari C

Before & After VSG with Kari C., losing 151 pounds!

March 14, 2017 · 0 comments

Why I decided to have WLS My struggle with weight goes back as far as I can remember. Some of my earlier memories were of my pediatrician discussing my weight with my mother. From a young age, I can recall being on various diets. None of which stuck or truly helped

Food is No Longer the Fix To My Feelings

Food is No Longer the Fix To My Feelings

March 13, 2017 · 0 comments

I have never been a physical person when upset or angry. I didn’t have to be because I turned to food. When things weren’t going well, food was my coping mechanism, my comfort, my go to. For years, whenever I got into a disagreement with my family or anyone, I